3 Can’t-Miss Mother’s Day Ideas for Children’s Ministry
Use these 3 can’t-miss Mother’s Day ideas this spring to celebrate the women who are raising the children in your ministry. These ideas adapt for use at home, as well!
1. Bearing Fruit
Give each child a packet of fruit or vegetable seeds and a sheet of construction paper. Ask a child to read aloud Galatians 5:22-23 about the fruit of the Spirit. Talk about these Scriptures as the children fold their papers in half to make cards.
On the front page of the cards, have children write the words, “Mom, you plant the seeds. . . ” Inside the cards on the right-hand side, have children glue their seed packets and write, “. . . that’ll help me bear fruit for Jesus.” On the inside left-hand page of each card, have kids write the words from Galatians 5:22-23. Then have children sign their cards. Mothers and mother figures will treasure this encouraging card.
2. Gifts for Moms
If you’re like us, you have a lot of moms who volunteer to teach in your Sunday school and give all they can in their ministries at home and church. They need your love, support, and encouragement as they struggle to balance the demands of all the hats they wear.
One of the highlights in a typical Mother’s Day service is handing out small devotional books or other small gifts to all the mothers and women. Giving out small tokens of appreciation, such as chocolate with a card attached, is a great way to show mothers and mother figures that you care. Also, remember that sometimes the perfect gift isn’t tangible. A creative video message, phone call, or email can deeply impact others.
3. “My Mother Is So Special”
Teach children this song to the tune of Oscar Mayer’s “The Bologna Song.” Have children sing this song to their moms on Mother’s Day.
My mother is so special, she means so much to me.
She’s patient, understanding, and as gentle as can be.
She’s lots of fun to be with, and she’s always there for me.
That’s why she’s a great example of J-E-S-U-S to me.
Looking for even more great ideas for Mother’s Day? Check out all our Mother’s Day posts.
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