Because I Love You: FREE Mother’s Day Bible Message and Craft
Still need a few simple Mother’s Day ideas? We’ve got you covered! Help to make Mother’s day meaningful and memorable for families at your church with this free children’s message and craft for Mother’s Day!
Bible Message: Because I Love You
Scripture: Exodus 20:12
You’ll need:
- Bible
- flowers (1 per child)
Say: Today is Mother’s Day, so let’s honor our mothers in a special way. Show the flowers. Aren’t these flowers pretty? You’ll each get one to give your mom, grandma, or another special caregiver in your family!
If you’re leading this Bible message in front of your congregation, encourage kids to give their flowers now. If you’re leading this Bible message in a children’s church setting, wait to distribute flowers until just ahead of when parents will arrive to pick up kids.
- How do these flowers remind you of your mom or another caregiver you love?
- How does giving flowers show honor to someone?
Say: Flowers are a lovely way to honor someone and show our love. We can also show honor by telling our moms we love them, by helping around the house, and by being pleasant to live with! Mention other ways the children talked about.
Honor Mom
Open your Bible to Exodus 20:12.
Say: This is what God has to say about our parents. “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.”
The Bible says to “honor” the people who take care of you. To honor means to show a deep respect and love for someone.
The next time your mom asks you to do something for her, remember to say cheerfully, “Okay, Mom! I’ll do it because I love you!” But be careful! You may surprise her so much that she faints! Then be ready to pick your mom up off the floor!
Say a prayer: Dear God, we thank you so very much for mothers, grandmothers, and all the people who love and take care of us. We know you’ll help us treat them in a loving and special way. Help us remember to do that every day, and not just on Mother’s Day.
Send the kids back, and tell them to hug their moms, grandmas, or other special caregivers and tell them, “Happy Mother’s Day! I love you!”
Mother’s Day Craft: “Because I Love You” Boxes
Scripture: Hebrews 10:24
You’ll need:
- small paper boxes with lids (1 per child)
- glue
- assorted bright-colored puffy paints
- fine-tipped colored markers
- plastic jewels
- colored paper (1 piece per child)
- safety scissors
For a little extra “wow,” use simple cardboard craft treasure chests. You can find these at most craft stores for a low cost. Or for a little simpler option, paper lunch bags will work, too!
1. Give each child a small paper box.
2. Have kids decorate their boxes with puffy paint, markers, and plastic jewels.
3. Direct kids to cut small strips of paper and write one simple, specific way to show love and kindness for their mom or caregivers on each strip. Here are some examples:
- Give a hug.
- Do a chore without being asked.
- Give a flower.
- Say, “Jesus loves you!”
- Make a card.
- Really listen when she talks to you.
- Tell what you like about her.
4. Allow kids to place their ideas inside their treasure boxes.
Discuss these questions with kids:
- What are some ways you can show love to your mom or special caregivers?
- Why might God want us to do good for our parents or caregivers?
Say: God helps us to love our moms and do good things for them. Take this treasure box home and choose one good thing to do for your mom every day. You can even do all the things every day!
Read Hebrews 10:24. “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”
Say: This verse says we can encourage one another to show love. So here’s your mission: Invite other people in your family to choose a paper from your treasure box and do that action for your mom, too! I’ll be a good reminder for all your family members to love and honor each other.
Pray: Dear God, thank you for showing us how to love others. Please help us spur each other on toward love and good deeds in our families every day. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Bonus Idea: Mother’s Day Cards
Need another super simple, last-minute Mother’s Day idea? Check out these Mother’s Day cards!
We know Mother’s Day brings both joy and sadness for some members of your church family. For ideas on how to help families who may be grieving on this day, check out “What to Say When Families Grieve.”
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