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4 Super Simple Ways to Increase Your Father’s Day Fun

Try these four Father’s Day Fun ideas to make dads in your church feel special.

1. You Deserve a Break

Choose a restaurant close to your church, and have the fathers and their children meet there at least one hour before Sunday school starts. Kids can pay for their Father’s Day breakfast by doing a fundraiser before the breakfast, giving from their allowance, or having moms help out. Have children give their fathers handmade cards and enjoy a breakfast of fun and fellowship.

2. Goody Hanky

For a practical gift, have each child bring in a new handkerchief. Place a candy bar and a Father’s Day bookmark in the center of the handkerchief. Fold the handkerchief into a triangle. Bring the ends together. Tie a ribbon around the ends—near the goodies—to hold everything together. Have children each write a note to their father and tie it to the ribbon.

3. Who Knows Me?

Use this activity at a father/child banquet or dinner. Children can invite their fathers, grandfathers, or an important male figure.

Take the children behind a stage curtain or blanket suspended from a curtain rod. Have the children quietly take off their socks and shoes. Tell them not to talk or giggle as noises might give them away.

Have them line up in random order and place only their bare feet outside the curtain. The fathers then have to look at all the feet and try to identify their child’s feet. When a father thinks he has found his child, have him use a washable, non-toxic marker to write the child’s name on the bottom of his or her foot.

When all the feet have been identified, open the curtain, and check the results. Guaranteed fun!

4. Lullaby Land

Give fathers this gift to create special times between them and their children as they listen to the music together. “Sing Me to Sleep, Daddy” is a collection of original ballads and lullabies by artists such as Phil Keaggy, Michael W. Smith, and Wayne Watson.

Looking for even more great ideas for Father’s Day? Check out all our Father’s Day posts.  

3 thoughts on “4 Super Simple Ways to Increase Your Father’s Day Fun

  1. Ginny McCleary

    Fill a brown bag with peanuts in the shell, write on tags DAD IM NUTS ABOUT YOU!

  2. Love these lesson plans, they are so useful, children loves them, and it makes my life easier!

    God bless you all!

    Thank you so much!

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