25 Ideas to Write on Your Advent Countdown to Christmas Chain
This Advent Countdown to Christmas Chain is a great way to help kids show love for their families and grow closer to God as they count down to Christmas.
Download PDF or use content below for 25 great ideas to put on the chain links.
Advent Countdown to Christmas Chain Links
Day 1
Give someone in your family a hug, just because you love them.
Day 2
Offer to help your parents. For example, offer to set the table. Help them make their bed, as well as your own.
Day 3
Tell your teacher “thank you” for teaching you. You can do this verbally or perhaps by writing him/her a thank-you note.
Day 4
Sing your favorite Christmas carol for your family. Invite them to sing along with you!
Day 5
Read the Christmas story in the Bible with your family. Read Luke 2:1-20. Talk about how exciting that time must have been.
Day 6
Before you go to bed tonight, think about three things that happened in your day that you’re thankful for.
Day 7
Go to the library and check out a Christmas movie to share with your family and/or friends.
Day 8
Read about the Magi (or Wise Men) in Matthew 2:1-12. The Bible says they felt overjoyed when the saw Jesus. Imagine how you would have felt to have seen young Jesus.
Day 9
Pray. Thank God for the many blessings you’ve received. God is your friend and loves you. You can tell God anything and everything.
Day 10
Write a letter to a friend. Everyone loves receiving mail from a friend!
Day 11
With your parent’s permission, call a family member who lives far away just to say “hi” and to visit with them.
Day 12
Draw a picture of what Jesus means to you. Display it in your room so that you will have it close to your heart.
Day 13
Take a walk outdoors, with your family, to enjoy the fresh air. Take a good look around you at the many wonders that God has created.
Day 14
Play the “humming game.” Hum a favorite Christmas song and have your family take turns guessing which song it is. The person who guesses correctly gets to hum next! (This is a fun game to play in the car!)
Day 15
Pray for peace. Ask God to give you peace in your heart. Ask God to give you wisdom when you make choices each and every day.
Day 16
Make a gift for a friend or family member. It can be as simple as a handmade card or drawing. Gifts that come from the heart are the best gifts of all.
Day 17
Share your smiles today. Give your smiles away freely to your classmates, your teachers, your friends, and your family. Smiles are contagious!
Day 18
Think of a service project your family can do together. Perhaps it’s cleaning up litter in your neighborhood or school or bringing dinner to a neighbor.
Day 19
Write a thank-you note to someone who has made a positive difference in your life and mail it to him or her. It could be a teacher, a friend, your pastor, or a relative. Let them know how much they mean to you.
Day 20
Listen to music today and give thanks to God for the gift of music! Dance, sing, and make a joyful noise!
Day 21
Do your chores without being asked. Think about other children around the world who maybe do not have a bed to make, toys to put away, or clean clothes to fold. Consider how having work to do is a blessing.
Day 22
Pray this prayer tonight before you go to bed: “Dear God, thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, into the world. Help me to share your love with everyone I meet. Amen.”
Day 23
Consider starting a journal. It can be a simple notebook from a dollar store. In your journal, you can write your ideas, your dreams, and your prayers.
Day 24
Find a quiet, comfortable spot. Sit and rest for a few moments. Take a few deep breaths. Thank God for sending Jesus. Invite him into your heart
Day 25
Smile and know that God loves you!
Check out all these Christmas ideas!
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