Elementary Children’s Message: Waiting for Jesus this Christmas
Use this children’s message: Waiting for Jesus to help children remember the Prince of Peace this Christmas.
You’ll need:
- two long ribbons tangled up,
- a gift-wrapped box,
- and markers
Message: Waiting for Jesus
Display the tangled ribbons and say: I have lots of Christmas presents to wrap, but look at this mess!
- Why won’t the ribbons work like this?
Have kids help you untangle the ribbons and place them on the floor in straight lines, about 3 feet apart. Have everyone sit on the ribbon “path.”
Say: Isaiah was an Old Testament prophet who announced events and helped people prepare for what was coming. Listen to what he said.
Read aloud Isaiah 40:3.
- How do we get tangled up like these ribbons and forget what’s important at Christmas time?
- How can we remember what’s important at Christmas?
Hold up the box and say: Isaiah also shared some great names for Jesus.
Read aloud Isaiah 9:6.
- Which name means the most to you—and why?
Distribute markers and let kids each write one of Jesus’ names on the box.
Say: Jesus is the most incredible gift we’ll ever receive. Let’s wrap this special present and keep it as a reminder to remember the Prince of Peace this Christmas.
Together, wrap the ribbons around the box.
Check out all our Christmas posts.
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