This is the drive to own something—possessions and wealth, whether real or imagined. It’s the child with thousands of baseball or Pokemon cards or the wealthy businesswoman who’s driven to fill her bank accounts with more and more money. It’s the guy who owns hundreds of board games. (Wait, that’s me!) There’s a sense of comfort in acquiring ownership that’s hard to explain.
Ministry Takeaway
One of the hallmarks of Group’s vacation Bible school is its Buddies. No child wants to miss a day of VBS and ruin his set of Buddies. Whether the toys of old or the virtual reality “dog tags” of today, they’re a fun reminder of the day’s lesson. But they also create a desire in kids to own them all. What can kids in your ministry “collect”? How can you help them achieve a sense of ownership?
Core Drive 5: Social Influence and Relatedness
This drive is about social pressure. You see a friend who’s great at something, and it makes you want to be great at it, too. Or you have a friend who’s part of something big, and you want to be a part of it, too. It’s why kids and teenagers are so great at bringing friends to church: “Hey, we’re getting together at my church on Wednesday to play fun games and talk. Wanna come?” Why do we wear “I Voted” stickers on Election Day? It’s not for us. It’s for other people to see it and know that we did something awesome. Facebook has even created a digital version you can attach to your profile. The gamification result of people wearing those stickers is that it can drive people out to the polls, and that’s good for everyone.
Ministry Takeaway
Harness the power of the group by creating a group quest. Make it elaborate, epic, and have meaning and something important to be learned at the end. But make sure it’s something kids have to do as a group. Sure, one or two kids will be motivated by Core Drive 1 and see this as something they’re destined to lead. Great—but the rest of the kids will join in, too, and they’ll have a blast.
Core Drive 6: Scarcity and Impatience
Every parent knows that nothing makes your kids want something more than not being able to get it. That’s just as true of adults, I suppose. And the crazy thing is that something doesn’t even have to be scarce for people to think it’s more valuable than it is. It’s all about perceived value. We often assume that if two similar products have two very different costs, then the higher-priced one must be better. After all, why else would they charge twice as much?
One of the most effective tactics games and apps use is to offer you something cool to help you start on the journey—perhaps a weapon or a vehicle. If you play the game for 20 hours, you’ll get that cool weapon. Or you can pay a small fee to get the weapon now. Most people will just play for 20 hours, but some people will pay real money to get that weapon now. And if enough people do that, the game company makes a lot of easy money.
Ministry Takeaway
Consider the perceived value of your ministry. If everything is second-rate, run-down, or viewed as the “lower quality” ministry, you have a problem. Instead, adopt the mindset that your children’s ministry is top-notch. No matter how plentiful or sparse your resources, do your best with what you have. Communicate the importance of your ministry. Use quality to help kids see and feel that they’re part of something important that’s made just for them.
Core Drive 7: Unpredictability and Curiosity
This powerful drive is what makes us want to read books and watch TV. When a TV show surprises and shocks you, it makes you want to watch it even more, because now you’re not sure what will happen next. But it’s more than just being surprised by media. Think about raffles, sweepstakes, and the lottery—or a slot machine. People pay money for a very small chance to win a whole wad of cash. The chances are small, but not zero…so people spend hours and hours and hundreds of dollars pushing that button. And sometimes it pays out, which only reinforces the unpredictability and curiosity.
Ministry Takeaway
Don’t be predictable! If you’re sitting in a weekly meeting where the agenda is always the same and things are running in the same way, you zone out, right? Don’t worry, we won’t tell your leader. Kids are the same way— probably more so because they grew up in a constantly changing, 1,000-things-to- distract-you world. Change formats or the order in which you do things. Change speakers or rooms. Keep kids guessing and wondering what’s going to happen next, and they’ll be more hooked than a Walking Dead fan.
Core Drive 8: Loss and Avoidance
This drive is the fear that if you don’t do something, you’ll miss out on it. “Limited edition!” “Exclusive offer!” “Out of print!” The idea that delaying action could mean you miss out on something forever is a powerful drive. But it’s also tied to what we feel we’ve invested in something. If you spend 10 minutes writing a letter, forget to save it and lose it, then you’ll be disappointed— but you’ll get over it. If you spend hours typing out your master’s thesis, forget to save it and lose it, you’ll have a much different reaction. After you go on a Godzilla-level rampage, I can guarantee you’ll turn into a habitual saver. Your loss-avoidance threshold has changed your behavior.
Ministry Takeaway
Chou shares a technique called the Rightful Heritage. This is “when a system first makes users believe something rightfully belongs to them and then makes them feel it will be taken away if they don’t commit the desired action.” We don’t want kids turning to Jesus out of fear, but we can definitely tell them that God has a birthright offered to them thanks to Jesus. And if they don’t act, they could miss it.
The Final Takeaways
This article isn’t about convincing you to “gamify” your Sunday school. In fact, there are compelling reasons to be careful about doing so—the biggest reason being that we don’t want to create in kids a rewards-based faith of, “If I do x, then God will do y.” This only reinforces the all-too-popular notion that God’s just a big, cosmic genie waiting to grant our wishes if we say the right magic words. But beyond that, now you’ve convinced kids to read their Bibles each week just so they get a doughnut. What happens when they hit middle school and the youth pastor doesn’t reward kids for reading their Bibles because he thinks it’s something they should want to do? They’ll stop reading their Bibles. Because when you replace intrinsic motivations with extrinsic rewards, the intrinsic motivation rarely comes back when you remove the rewards.
You might still be reeling from my assertion that you’re already a gamer. But we can’t deny that games are here to stay, and they’re shaping the way people interact with the world around them. So stop sending me Farmville requests, take a look at your ministry through the lens of these Core Drives, and get your game on.
Scott Firestone IV was an associate editor in Group’s children’ministry department and founder of Theology of Games. He lives with his wife and sons in the foothills of Colorado.
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