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A little girl is holding a gold star made out of construction paper. There are two little boys and a little girl in a line behind her, all smiling. They are in a Sunday school classroom with trees and a lake painted on the walls.
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4 Free Christmas Sunday School Lessons

Enjoy these 4 free Christmas Sunday school lessons — one for each Sunday leading up to Christmas.

Each lesson is from one of Group Publishing’s bestselling curriculum. It’s our gift to you! Enjoy!

Week 1: Prophets Foretell Jesus’ Coming

In this Christmas Sunday school lesson, kids learn how Jesus fulfilled God’s promise.

Kids will…

  • play a fun game about making promises.
  • discover the meaning of Jeremiah’s amazing prophecy.
  • explore the Key Verse to find out that Jesus fulfilled God’s promise to send a Messiah, and that he promised to be with them.
  • determine how keeping and not keeping promises affects them, and make promise cards to give to someone.
  • choose a Daily Challenge to apply God’s Word.
  • talk about how to share what they learned with their families.

Week 2: An Angel Appears to Mary

In this Christmas Sunday school lesson, kids learn that God uses ordinary people.

Kids will…

  • decide whether to accept an assignment that leads to a risk, a reward, or both.
  • play a musical game, and discuss Luke 1:26-38 and Matthew 1:18-21.
  • read Luke 1:28-29 and 1 Samuel 16:7, and invent news stories about ways God might use kids.
  • decorate posters showing ways that God can use ordinary people.
  • read Luke 1:39-45 and 1 Thessalonians 5:11, and write encouraging notes to classmates.
  • name things they’ll do for God and others.

Week 3: Jesus Is Born

In this Sunday school lesson, kids celebrate Jesus birth!

Kids will…

  • pretend to be part of the planning committee for the very first Christmas celebration.
  • sing “Glory to God.”
  • read Luke 2:1-20 and pose as the person they most feel like at Jesus’ birth.
  • play in an “air band” to celebrate Jesus’ birth.
  • imagine giving the best gifts to celebrate God’s greatest gift.

Week 4: Jesus Is the Best Gift Ever

Kids will learn that Jesus was born and is the BEST gift they’ll get at Christmas or any time.

Kids will…

  • take a census and travel to Bethlehem to experience Jesus’ birth.
  • decide whether to keep or toss a set of gifts.
  • make silhouette ornaments of the nativity.
  • use a predictable grid to discuss why Jesus is the best gift ever.
  • experiment with liquids to see that Jesus is the top gift.
  • respond to the gift of Jesus with a thank-you gift.
  • receive a take-home page about the lesson.

46 thoughts on “4 Free Christmas Sunday School Lessons

  1. I signed up for the magazine today and thought I was getting several free things looks like you only get a couple items depending on which part of the site you respond to. I wanted more on Christmas. Can I get the extra fee things?

    • Christine Yount Jones

      Johnnie, you should have access to everything on the site. If you search for Christmas on the site, over 10 pages of results will come up. Let us know if you need anything.

  2. Hello. The link to the 4th free lesson “Jesus the Best Gift Ever” does not work. We started using these series and I nees this lesson for this Sunday. I hope you can help me.

  3. connie Viekman

    Lesson 4 is still not printing. Can you get me a copy?

    • Children's Ministry Magazine

      Thanks for pointing that out, Connie! We’ll work on fixing the problem.

      • Children's Ministry Magazine

        Hi Connie, Lesson 4 has been updated! Please let us know if you have any problems accessing this. Thank you for you patience!

        • Hello. I just tried (today 12/3/2017) to access lesson 4 and it is only the title and a picture. There is no content. If it could be emailed, that would be wonderful.

          Thank you.

          • Children's Ministry Magazine

            Hi Andi,
            I just sent you the link. Thanks!

  4. The Link to lesson 4 is still not working. Can it be emailed out? Thanks in advance!

    • Children's Ministry Magazine

      Hi Amy, Lesson 4 has been updated! Thank you for your patience.

      • Amy Granger

        Hi again! As stated below…there is a picture but no lesson. Hoping it can be worked out as we were planning to use this next week! Thanks 🙂

  5. Vicky Meinholz

    Lesson 4 not working please email me a copy. Vicky

    • Children's Ministry Magazine

      Hi Vicky, the link for lesson 4 has been updated! Please let us know if you have any further problems. Blessings!

  6. Hi! I know you’re working on it – just wanted to mention that week 4 link is still not working. Thank you so much for this great resource! We are a tiny church and blessings like this are such an encouragement and a help!

    • Children's Ministry Magazine

      Hi Leanne, thank you for your patience! The link for lesson 4 has been updated. If you have any further problems, please let us know. Blessings to you and your church!

      • Thank you so much for following up! I hate to be a pest, but I clicked on the link and there is a photo and title, but no lesson. I just know this lesson is going to be fantastic! 🙂

  7. I am unable to access Christmas lesson 4. Can you help me out?

  8. Karen E. Mcleod

    Are the links to these Christmas lessons still available, I am interested in them for the kids in my church’s Junior Church program


      Hi Karen! If you click on the title of each section, it will take you to each lesson! Hope that helps!

  9. Stacy Christensen

    I am very grateful for this free curriculum that will allow me to provide some sound and engaging activities to teach the Christmas message for the month. I need to print week 3, Jesus is Born, however, it will not print a lesson plan format. Can you help me?

  10. I love these lessons. Unfortunately, I can’t get Lesson 3 to print. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


      Hi Tracy! We’ve added a “Print this Lesson” link at the top of the Jesus is Born lesson. This will give you a PDF to print. Just note, the music embedded in the lesson will need to be played from the website.

  11. Kimberly Wright

    Thank you so much for this!! I will be doing this lesson for this week’s Children’s Church and know the kids are going to absolutely love it 🙂

  12. cheryl adamson

    Our these 4 lessons still available? Do you have to sign up for the magazine to get them? If not, could I have the link for all 4 lessons


      Hi Cheryl! The links are the titles of the lessons. Just go ahead and click on them and they will redirect you to the correct page!

  13. Shantail Miller

    Thank you! This is a great curriculum for kids. Substantive yet simple for them to understand.

  14. Hi, I am unable to access lesson 4. Is it available

  15. Katie Gordon

    I am receiving an error message for the link to lesson 3: Jesus is born. Would it be possible to get this fixed or send a new link? Thank you.

  16. The link in the article for lesson 3 is
    which gives a “page not found error”.

    The link that works has “sunday-school-lesson-” at the start, like the other links have:


  17. Steven Wiesbrock

    I need help finding a really good Christmas story do you have any good ideas at all that could help me at all

  18. Heya.

    In order to get everyone to be happy this is what I do. I hold a festive baking and cooking lesson each year. We cook turkey rolls, mince pies and cranberry sauce. The mini mince pies work well. Best wishes. I use plastic plates and spoons. I order tins to use.

    I plan all the food quite carefully. I even happily bake so many cupcakes and biscuits to eat whilst we see a film or play a board game. Christmas lessons are fun. The children love to make pieces of festive art too. I offer them round.

    I even have a party. Other dishes include a small Christmas cake, twelve buns and so on. Now I have a entire list of choices in addition to refer back to when planning. I find it much easier that way for sure. I love to do party planning after all. I love to bake stuff. I prefer to keep it on my bedside table. Every year we bake a tray of fun Christmas goodies and treats to eat.

    The children simply also love to decorate the place too. We decorate the house in question with cool wreaths plus decorations. I stock up on the decorations and prizes. I find a lot of stuff at local charity shops. Toys make good prizes to use. So do storybooks. Medals are awarded for the best fancy dress.

    I put seasonal art on my classroom walls each year. The children draw Santa and his reindeer for me to display. I frame it for the parents. They also draw the three wise men and learn a festive song. We have a mini concert. It lasts four hours. About half of the older children perform a short festive play. The little ones recite a quick poem, sing a timed Christmas song or retell a short festive story. There is seasonal food on sale. The money all goes to local charity shops or a church.

    After the main concert is over, we sell reindeer cupcakes and Santa biscuits to raise more. I take the donations and have cups of mulled white or red wine plus a mini festive dinner with mini mince pies. Yummy.

    Most will stay on for that after changing their outfits. On another day we have a festive day. For this we play board games, host various festive quizzes or sit and talk. After the donations are counted we have a sit down meal. That is fun. Always.

    There are word searches available quite freely. And I do use them. Plus there are cheap colouring books. Last week we had our annual festive lucky dip and raffle. And there was a Santa biscuit decoration stall and a book sale. We sold lots of festive earrings and cups. Coffee and tea were also sold with lots of cheap festive rolls. We finally had a name the cat contest.

    Events like this make it easier on me. Teaching is less work for sure. At our recent fun day I made hot chocolate, mini potato rolls and mini mince pies. There was a hot turkey soup and lots of roast veg. Leftovers were used to make bread rolls and a potato salad later that week.

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4 Free Christmas Sunday School Lessons

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