3 Bible Activities Crafted for Elementary-Aged Children
Looking for Bible activities appropriate for elementary-aged kids? Look no further than these three elementary Bible activities.
3 Bible Activities Crafted for Elementary-Aged Children
Elementary Bible Activity #1: Poured Out at the Cross
Use this experience to discuss Jesus’ forgiveness.
You’ll need:
- a Bible
- large pitcher
- small cups
- small stones
- a washable marker
Draw a cross on the large pitcher.
Have kids sit in a circle, and put the stones in the middle. Give each child a cup. Read aloud Matthew 26:31-35. Have kids each add one stone to their own cups as they hear about each of Peter’s three denials.
Say: Think about some times you failed people you love or you sinned. Have kids quietly reflect, adding stones to their cups for the things they think of.
Show the pitcher. Say: Good news! Jesus died and took away our sins—every wrong thing we’ve done and every unkind way we’ve treated others. Tell the kids the pitcher represents Jesus, and invite kids to pour their stones into the pitcher.
- What does it mean to you to know Jesus took on all of our sins?
List Burney
Raleigh, North Carolina
Elementary Bible Activity #2: Dr. Unfreeze
Use this game to show kids that Jesus can heal.
Read aloud Matthew 8:5-9.
Whisper one of these ailments into each child’s ear: blindness, coughing, sneezing, shaking, headache, or sprained ankle. Give all but two kids a malady; you’ll secretly assign one child to be the Doctor and one to be “It.” Have kids act out their maladies or roles as they play Freeze Tag. By tagging, the Doctor frees kids from their ailments and “It” freezes them until they’re rescued by the Doctor. The Doctor can’t be frozen.
Afterward, ask:
- How did the game change when you found out who the doctor was?
- How is that like what happened with Jesus in the Scripture?
Say: Jesus saved and healed a lot of people. People flocked to him, like in our game. Read aloud Matthew 8:10, 13.
- Explain whether you flock to Jesus when you need healing, like the officer did.
- How can you remember to go to him first for help?
Christina Schofield
Rolla, Missouri
Elementary Bible Activity #3: Molded by His Hands
Use this devotion to help kids experience the closeness of God.
You’ll need:
Invite kids to decide what they want to make with their clay, and then have them attempt to mold the clay using each of the following three methods.
![An elementary-aged boy tries to mold clay with his mind, with his feet, and with his hands.]()
- Talk about what worked and didn’t work about our three methods, and why.
Read aloud Isaiah 64:8. Ask:
- What can this verse and our experience tell us about how God molds us?
Say: Sometimes we think of God as being far away and that we have to ask him to come and be with us. But if God is a potter and we are the clay, then God is as close as our skin. God promised he would always be with us and be active in our lives.
Steve Case
Winter Garden, Florida
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