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Two preschoolers sit outside with a volunteer who's teaching a lesson about the woman at the well.
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Preschool Sunday School Lesson: Woman at the Well

Use this Preschool Sunday School Lesson: Woman at the Well to teach John 4:7-30. Find more great Sunday school lessons to help kids grow in their faith.

Bible Activity: Living Water

Have children place their hands under running water in a sink and then drink a cup of water. Afterward, hold up a glass of water and a picture of Jesus.


  • What good things does water do for you?
  • What good things does Jesus do for you?
  • Which of these is living water?

Say: Let’s learn what Jesus said about living water.

Paraphrase the story from John 4:7-15.

Say: We can’t live very long without water to drink. And we can’t live forever without Jesus. We can’t drink Jesus, but Jesus is saying he wants us to follow him to live forever. Jesus can help us live forever.

Craft: Big Dipper

Give each child yarn and a plastic container such as the lower half of a milk carton. Have children each punch a hole on each side of their container. Then have them thread the yarn through the holes and tie a knot to form a handle on the container. Tell children to take the “water vessel” home and use it in the bathtub with them. They can lower the container into the tub water just as the Samaritan woman lowered her jug into the well, fill it with water, and then pour the water all over their bodies.


You’ll need:

  • a packet of Jell-O
  • water
  • a way to heat the water
  • enough prepared Jell-O for your class
  • plates
  • forks
  • napkins

Help children make Jell-O. Talk about how the water is important to give life to the powdered Jell-O. Afterward, serve already-prepared Jell-O and talk about how Jesus gives us life.

Looking for more preschool ideas? Check out these posts!

2 thoughts on “Preschool Sunday School Lesson: Woman at the Well

  1. you have all this information and lessons in spanish im in a spanish church thank you

    • Christine Yount Jones

      We’re sorry, Elodia, we do not have all of this in Spanish.

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Preschool Sunday School Lesson: Woman...

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