11 Must-Have Items for Welcome Bags
When new guests visit your ministry for the first time, why not give them a welcome packet from the children’s ministry with these 11 must-have items for Welcome Bags?
Of course, a bag filled with papers and other goodies is no substitute for radical hospitality, but helping guests understand more about your ministry and the services you offer is a great first step. If welcome bags are something your ministry is considering doing, here are some things to include:
Welcome Bags for Parents
- A letter from you giving a brief overview of the ministry and your contact information.
- A description of services and age-level breakdowns. If your curriculum comes with a scope and sequence, this is a perfect item to include.
- A calendar of events.
- A copy of your policies and procedures manual. If you feel your P&P manual is a little overwhelming for new guests, consider making a condensed version with information pertinent to parents.
- Your ministry’s vision statement.
- First-time evaluation/information form. Let guests know you value their input, and also show them you’re interested in them personally (think prayer needs).
Welcome Bags for Kids
- A different letter from you. Don’t make this the same letter you give to parents. Write it knowing that the child will be reading it. Be mindful of reading levels…use lots of pictures.
- Letters from those who will be the child’s leader, if your ministry has multiple leaders/volunteers.
- A small trinket with your ministry’s name on it. Think wristbands or pencils. If it’s a toy, make sure to give the welcome bag after your service.
- Some churches like to include treats. If you’d like to include candy, make sure to use allergen/gluten-free candy. Nothing says “we aren’t welcoming of you” like giving candy that will hurt a child.
- A CD of music your ministry is using (so kids can start getting acquainted with the lyrics).
Also, consider making a welcome bag for those adults who visit your church but don’t have kids. Not only will they know about your ministry if they ever do have kids, but it’s also a great way to reach out and find new potential volunteers.
Want more articles for children’s ministry leaders? Check these out.
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