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A children's ministry leader smiles at two volunteers as she creates an irresistible culture in her ministry.
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4 Ways to Develop an Irresistible Culture in Your Ministry

Culture is your brand. The way your team greets people, deals with challenges, ministers to kids and families, and even says goodbye. The look and feel of your ministry comes from the brand you create. So you can’t leave it up to chance. Here are four key ways to develop the culture you want.

4 Ways to Develop an Irresistible Culture in Your Ministry

1. Recruit well with your culture.

You can’t make people be who they aren’t. If you want “high-energy, motivated, upbeat” as values in your ministry, recruit those kinds of people. For those who are more reserved, they may be drawn to roles behind the scenes. But recruit what you want to project in your ministry and then put those people out front.

2. Train thoroughly.

Engage your staff over and over in the “why” of what they do — not only what they do. Coach people to say and do things in ways that represent your ministry’s values. For example, if you want people to greet guests a certain way, ensure that you give them the exact wording. Focus on the details because it’s the details that convey your culture.

3. Create a culture of overcommunication.

Ensure that everyone on the team knows your values and the culture you’re trying to create. This is especially critical when you’re building a new ministry and with new people joining your team. Take the time to share your story, dreams, goals, and values with every single person. Give them specific examples of how you’ve seen the culture you desire lived out.

4. Check up and check in.

Regularly check in to see if your culture is alive and well — or if it’s becoming a foreign land. Ask others what they feel and see when it comes to your ministry; then make adjustments. Ask your staff what they think your culture is; then make adjustments. Culture needs constant fine-tuning to stay on track. The only way this can happen is if you’re providing accountability on every level.

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3 thoughts on “4 Ways to Develop an Irresistible Culture in Your Ministry

  1. Lisa Burney

    #3 & #4 are not just culture, they will make or break you!

  2. Chris Yount Jones

    I love how I thought there were 11 comments on this and there all from you, Lisa!


    Something was wrong with the site. I tried to SUBMIT and it froze. At least that was what it was doing on MY end.

    But then again, you can't over communicate! Right? LOLOLOLOL!

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