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A group of elementary kids making Bible flipbooks.
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Older Elementary Bible Craft: Stop Action Flipbooks

Older elementary-aged kids will put themselves in the place of a Bible character using these stop action flipbooks that they create.

You’ll need:

  • 3X5 cards
  • fine-tipped markers
  • string
  • hole punch

Text: any Bible story

Older Elementary Bible Craft: Stop Action Flipbooks

Tell kids to read the Bible story. Then choose one part of the story to draw. For example, for the story of David and Goliath, kids may choose when David slays Goliath.

Then have kids draw the same character or object from the story in different continuous positions—one on each card. For instance, draw David putting the stone in his sling, then several different pictures of David pulling back the sling, several of David letting go of the sling, one of Goliath being hit, and several of Goliath falling.

When they’re finished, have kids put their picture cards in order. Then punch a hole in the left upper and lower corners of the completed stacks. Tie string through each hole. Have kids flip through the pages and watch the action develop.

Have kids exchange flipbooks with a friend to watch a different movie.


  • How do you think this person felt at the point of the story that you chose to draw?
  • How would you have felt in that situation?
  • Do you think this person did the right thing? Why or why not?
  • What would you have done differently?
  • When have you had to do a similar thing in your life?
  • What helped you make the right choice?

Ellen Humbert
Mesa, Arizona

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Older Elementary Bible Craft: Stop Ac...

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