Nursery Bible Game: Walking in God’s Garden Song
A lively Bible game that will teach toddlers about all that God has made through a joyful song they’ll keep singing for days! Plus, this song helps the children in our nurseries learn each other’s names.
Nursery Bible Game: Walking in God’s Garden Song
Give each toddler a stuffed animal. Then lead them in singing this song to the tune of “The Bear Went Over the Mountain.” During the first verse, have children march around the room. During the verse about animals, have children hold up their animals when named.
We’re walking in God’s garden, we’re walking in God’s garden, we’re walking in God’s garden, to see what we can see.
We see a little bunny, we see a little bunny, we see a little bunny, and all God made is good!
(Repeat this part of the song until you sing about each animal.)
We see our friend little Andy, we see our friend little Andy, we see our friend little Andy, and God made him so good!
(Repeat this part of the song until you sing about each child.)
Cindy Smith
Churchville, New York
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