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An older elementary girl turns backwards in her chair and makes a heart with her hands.
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Valentine’s Day Children’s Message: Sharing Your Heart

Use this Valentine’s Day Children’s Message: Sharing Your Heart to show your children’s ministry kids the depth of God’s love.

Theme: Valentine’s Day

Text: 1 John 4:10-11

Preparation: Give kids each an 8 1/2X11-inch sheet of red paper as they enter the classroom or church. You’ll also need a larger sheet of red paper for everyone to see.

Valentine’s Day Children’s Message: Sharing Your Heart

Say: Today we’re going to use our red papers to tell a story about a girl who didn’t get any valentines at school.


  • How do you think she felt?

Say: This girl was so sad she decided to take a walk in a large meadow with red, spring flowers. Hold up your large paper and encourage others to do as you do. She came to a small garden of red tulips. She got tired and lay down. It was a little cold, so she put some flowers over her as a blanket. Fold your paper in half. When she awoke, she saw an arrow. The arrow was pointing to a curving stream. Tear the shape of half a heart on the folded edge.

Say: As she walked to the stream, she got very excited and happy because she remembered something she learned in church. Read 1 John 4:10-11.

Say: She ran home and made a valentine for all her friends so she could share the great love God had given to her. Open paper to reveal a heart. This Valentine’s Day, share God’s love with as many people as possible. Give your heart to someone you care about.

Sheila Halasz
Crystal Lake, Illinois

Looking for even more great Valentine’s Day ideas? Check out these Valentine’s Day posts

2 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day Children’s Message: Sharing Your Heart

  1. Omg. Sooooooo wanted to do your children sermon but I wasted so many sheets of paper trying to make the heart. It does not work. Cute story—would be a good lesson/sermon but can’t figure out the Valentine -so sad. It is called Valentine’s Day children message—sharing your heart. Too bad you do not have a video. ;(.

    • Micaiah Miller

      Hi Sue,

      Thank you for bringing this to our attention! We have made a few changes to simplify the activity. Please let us know if you have better success or other concerns. We hope you are still able to use this activity in the near future!

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