Saint Patrick’s Day Outreach Idea: Beautiful Feet
Through this Saint Patrick’s Day outreach idea, children will share the good news of Jesus by collecting shoes and socks for those in need.
Scripture: Isaiah 52:7
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Saint Patrick’s Day Outreach: Beautiful Feet
Say: Saint Patrick lived a long time ago in the Fifth Century. He was born in Britain, but later found himself in Ireland.
Saint Patrick’s friendship with God helped him through a really hard time in his life. Patrick loved God, and he journeyed far and wide to tell people in Ireland the good news of Jesus. Perhaps all that walking made his feet tired!
That reminds me of a verse. Let’s read it together.
Read Isaiah 52:7.
Say: No matter what they actually looked like, Patrick had beautiful feet. Because he was a man who loved to share the good news about Jesus!
Let’s follow Patrick’s lead with a Saint Patrick’s Day outreach event! We’ll collect shoes and socks for people in need. We’ll put notes in the footwear to share the good news, just like Patrick.
For the Saint Patrick’s Day outreach, allow a few weeks for kids to collect new shoes and socks for a shoe drive, whether they do this independently or through a churchwide drive. Then have kids write notes that share the good news of Jesus, such as, “Jesus loves you!” Put the notes in the shoes, or tape them to sock packages.
Then arrange a time for the kids to help you deliver the shoes to a local community outreach organization for your Saint Patrick’s Day outreach.
Want more outreach ideas? Check out these posts!
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