Certain things are synonymous with summer, and one that’s a sure hit with kids are water games! Cool, refreshing, and fun—water is the perfect element when the sun scorches on…
Tap into the transforming power of music in your ministry!
Movies tell a story — a story most of us can recall for years afterward. But what would movies be…
We’ve compiled these super-smart ideas for you to help kids show Jesus’ love throughout the school year.
Crisp paper fills shiny new notebooks. Erasers are still bright pink, and pencils…
Meet Patrick Black, once homeless and hopeless, now leading a thriving children’s ministry.
Almost three years ago as a college student in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, I didn’t know where to turn.…
These three ministries have overcome tragedy, violence, and disaster. Here are their stories—and what you can learn from their experiences.
When tragedy strikes a community, it often comes quickly and…
Here are 10 quick and creative ways to raise money for your children’s ministry.
If you’re like the majority of children’s ministers, you know all too well the reality of…
Are you undecided about diving into VBS this year? Don’t miss these VBS tips from a leader who hosted a successful, and much needed, VBS in the height of the…
Remember all those crafts you made as a child? Macaroni shells painted gold. Plaster of Paris handprints. These simple art and craft ideas are a great way to help kids…
How well does your children’s ministry recognize the importance of kids’ milestones and rites?
In many cultures around the world, children are officially connected to their culture, ancestry, and belief…
Here’s how to successfully get parents to genuinely commit to your children’s ministry — without making them crazy or eating up all of their spare time!
Today’s parents. They’re returning…
Is passive technology the best way to reach children? Probably not. Here’s why the show must go off.
Imagine children’s ministry as a children’s museum. Step into its hallways to…
In this sciency-fun devotion, kids will learn about God’s blessings. Plus, included is a blessing for teachers to pray over the children as they begin summer vacation.
Children’s Sermon: Blessings…
Here are five ways you can begin to grow a healthy culture within your church’s children’s ministry.
Simply put, culture is “the way we do things around here.” A healthy…
Where in the world can you find VBS volunteers?
When it comes to recruiting volunteers for VBS, the obvious place to start is with your regular weekly children’s ministry volunteers…
Need help recruiting for your vacation Bible school? These three tips can help!
Let’s face it, the most dreaded part of vacation Bible school and almost every other children’s program…
Is your budget about to be downsized or cut? Is your church hurting financially? Or is your town or city experiencing an economic slump? If so, rethink how you do…
They say actions speak louder than words. That’s why, when it comes to recognizing and retaining volunteers, it’s so important to regularly show your volunteer team how much they matter…
Kids are hoping and praying for VBS this year…And if we know you, you don’t want to disappoint! Use this free VBS guide to jump-start a successful, COVID-friendly VBS.
Use these 5 fantastic follow-up tools for children’s ministry events—to get families to return next week.
Outreach events can be a lot of work, but they’re worth it when done…
As summer approaches, is VBS on your mind? Perhaps you’re asking yourself a question nearly as old as ministry itself: “How do I hang onto good volunteers?” You certainly aren’t…
Hello, fall! Are you as excited by fall’s arrival as we are? We love all things fall around Group: bright colorful leaves, crisper air, and EVERYTHING has pumpkin in it.…