3 Simple Steps to Say “YES!” to VBS, Plus a FREE Guide!
Kids are hoping and praying for VBS this year…And if we know you, you don’t want to disappoint! Use this free VBS guide to jump-start a successful, COVID-friendly VBS.
It’s April, and if you’re not already planning VBS, you might be wondering if it’s too late. If there’s one thing we’ve learned in some of the most challenging years we may ever experience—it’s that anything is possible! You’re still standing, you still have a can-do attitude, you have God on your side, and you have kids itching to go to VBS! And we support you! So we created this free VBS guide to help you launch into one of the most important summers of ministry ever.
Say “Yes!” with these 3 simple steps.
Step 1: Remember who you are!
You’re not just a VBS director…you’re a VBYES Director! Over the past years we’ve watched as you’ve worked tirelessly and creatively to engage with your kids. You’ve conquered challenges, learned new skills, and have been a source of light in your community. We can’t wait to see how you bring that energy into VBS this summer.
Step 2: Remember your “WHY.”
Whenever starting a new project or event, it’s always good to take a step back and focus on your “why.” Why do you do VBS? What do you want to accomplish? What’s the goal? Sit down with your core team and zero in on your “why.” You’ll find that once you have your “why,” the “how” seems doable.
Step 3: Remember that proper planning prevents predicaments.
You already know this, but planning now saves you headaches in the future. That’s why we’ve created a free “Getting Started Guide” to help you, well…get started. Gather your core team and walk through the free VBS guide together to lay out Plans A, B, and C. (Or go crazy and do the whole alphabet!)
While we don’t know what the coming months will hold, we’re confident about a few things:
- Kids need VBS…now more than ever. We’ve all felt isolated, and kids are no different. They’re craving community and a place where they can process the experiences of the past couple years. Relationship-building questions at VBS, provide a space to share their feelings and discover how God was with them the whole time.
- VBS can be a way to get people back into church (as CDC and local guidelines allow). According to BARNA, one in three Christians have stopped attending church altogether since the start of the pandemic. Your VBS event might be the open door they need.
- People can’t wait to get “back to normal.” According to a Nielsen study, 61% of consumers are ready to return to normal, pre-pandemic behavior.
- You can find a team of VBS experts waiting to help you in our call center at Group. Just give us a ring at 1-800-447-1070 and we’ll help you tackle any VBS challenge you throw our way!
Are you as excited as we are? Use these resources!
FREE DOWNLOAD: Jump start your planning with the free “Getting Started Guide.”
MORE EXPERT INSIGHTS: Check out these in-the-trenches insights for pulling together a successful, COVID-friendly VBS.
10 Ways to Make VBS Happen this Year…From a Leader Who Did It
4 Creative Ways to Run VBS for Kids this Summer
FREE Webinar and Resources: Practical Tips for COVID-Friendly VBS
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