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three crosses to represent Easter
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Elementary Craft: Mini Easter Garden

Kids create mini Easter gardens as they retell the Easter story and celebrate that Jesus’ tomb was empty!

Mini Easter Garden Crafts

You’ll need:

  • Bible
  • shallow dishes or trays (1 per child)
  • garden soil
  • moss, cut grass, or sand
  • craft sticks
  • glue
  • small pots
  • flat stones large enough to cover pots
  • egg-carton cups (or other small containers)
  • small flowers
  • gravel


Have kids each fill a tray with soil and arrange the soil to make a hill on one side of the tray and a flat area on the other. Cover the soil with moss, grass, or sand.

Make crosses with the craft sticks and glue. Then place them on the hilltop. Press the small pot into the “hillside” to make a cave or tomb. Place the stone over the mouth of the tomb.

Press the egg cups into the soil around the flat “garden” area and fill them with the small flowers. Use gravel to make a path to the tomb to show how the disciples ran there on Easter morning.

When the scenes are completed, gather children around the Easter gardens and retell the Easter story. As you tell about the rock being rolled away, have children move the stones from their “tombs” to show that they’re empty.

For Extra Impact

  • Read aloud Luke 24:5-8, and ask kids why they think the women were afraid. Ask: How do you think you would have felt?
  • Ask: How do you think the women felt when they realized Jesus had risen from the dead? How does that make you feel today?
  • Give each child a hollow chocolate Easter egg as a reminder to celebrate the empty tomb.

This mini Easter garden craft comes from The Best of Children’s Ministry Magazine: Crafts. This book has 110 totally awesome crafts for all ages, including instant crafts, seasonal crafts, or crafts to use for a special event.

Looking for more Easter craft ideas? Check out these posts!

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Elementary Craft: Mini Easter Garden

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