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kids outside in the summer learning about God's blessings
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Free Children’s Sermon PLUS an End-of-School-Year Blessing

In this sciency-fun devotion, kids will learn about God’s blessings. Plus, included is a blessing for teachers to pray over the children as they begin summer vacation.

Children’s Sermon: Blessings

Using water’s bonding properties and gravity, kids learn that God’s blessings are constant.

Scripture: 1 John 4:9

You’ll need:

  • Bible
  • paper towels
  • water
  • small pitcher with a spout
  • wide-mouthed container
  • 3-foot piece of cotton string


Spread paper towels over a table or on the floor. Fill the pitcher with water. Place the pitcher of water and the wide-mouthed container on the paper towels.

Constant Love


  • What are good things God does for his children? Or gives to his children?

Say: The good things God does for us or gives to us are called blessings. We’re going to do an experiment today that will help us see more about how God wants to bless his children. 

Have kids gather around the newspaper. Dip the piece of string into the water in the pitcher, and tie one end of the string to the pitcher’s handle (as in the drawing). Pull the wet string through the pitcher’s spout and over to the empty container. Let the free end drop into the container.

Carefully, slowly pour the water into the container so the water runs down the wet string.


  • What surprises you about what the water is doing?

Say: The water slides down the string because the molecules that form water are very attracted to each other. This makes them stick together. The force of gravity makes them move down the string together. And as long as I’m pouring water from the pitcher connected to the string, the water will travel down the string this way. Just like the water continues to flow down the string, God gives us blessings constantly because he loves us.


  • What do you think will happen if I pour the water too fast? Pour the water faster and see what happens.
  • Do you think God can ever “over-do it” with blessings? Why or why not?

Say: God always gives you just the right number of blessings because he knows what you need.

God’s Greatest Gift


  • I wonder what God’s biggest blessing ever is? What do you think?

Read aloud 1 John 4:9.

Say: Because God loves us so much, he gave us the blessing of his only Son, Jesus!  


  • What are ways you can thank God for the blessings he gives you?

Say: God gives us so many things because we’re special to him. He sent his Son, Jesus, to die and come back to life again so that we can be forever friends with God. We can thank God when we pray, through worship, and by “being the string” that carries his goodness to the people around us.

End-of-School-Year Blessing

Say: And now, I have a blessing for you! A blessing can be a special prayer asking God to be with someone in a special way. Please stand if you’d like to receive a blessing!

Have kids stand and extend their arms like they’re about to receive a present. They’ll receive a summertime blessing instead!

Pray: Lord, we ask for your guidance and provision

As your children begin their summer vacation.

May you bring them joy in all they do,

And remind them to point to you.

May they enjoy time with family and friends

From the start to the very end.


Be with your children throughout each day,

In their down time and in their play.

Be their protector and guide

When they choose an exciting ride.

Encourage your kids throughout the season

Whether they are with friends or alone.

Lord, be with your children everywhere they go.




Looking for more sciency-fun children’s messages? Check out Sciency-Fun WOWS!: 54 Surprising Bible Object Lessons for ages 3-7 and for ages 8-12. You can find even more ideas here!

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