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Little girl smiling at the camera as she colors. Two close up shots of what she's coloring include a smiling face and frowning face.
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Elementary Kids’ Bible Experiene: Worry (Genesis 18:11-14)

Use this experience to help kids change worry into trust in God.

You’ll need:

  • a Bible,
  • pencils,
  • and pre-cut paper (cut 8 1/2 x 11 paper in half vertically), one piece per child.

Elementary Kids’ Bible Lesson: Worry (Genesis 18:11-14)

Say: In the Bible, Abraham and Sarah wanted a child. Since they’d grown old, they worried it was too late.


  • What’s something that often causing fear or concern?

Have your kids fold the pre-cut paper in half and draw a sad face on top. Tell them to keep the drawing simple. Then lead kids in a prayer about their worries.

Read aloud Genesis 18:11-14.


  • How can you change your worry into trust?

Have kids fold the paper on the existing fold line so the first drawing is on the bottom. They’ll trace the outline of the face from the first drawing but this time drawing a smiling, happy face. Then have kids refold the paper so the sad face is on top again. Show them how to tightly roll the worried face side of the paper around a pencil and use the pencil to quickly roll it back and forth, making the picture change from worry to trust.

Watch this demonstration of the changing picture trick.

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Elementary Kids’ Bible Experien...

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