Preteen Sunday School Lesson: Shine the Light on Halloween
Use this fun and creative lesson around Halloween to help shine the light in your preteen Sunday school classes. Find more great Sunday school lessons to help kids grow in their faith.
Preteen Sunday School Lesson: Halloween
1. Bible Activity: It’s War!
- ball
- strobe light
- newsprint
- markers
- tape
- Bible
Warning! Be aware of children with sensory sensitivities and make modifications as necessary.
Form two teams. Have each team come up with a war cry, such as “Whoop!” or “Hyah!” Have teams line up at opposite ends of the room. Set a ball in the center of the room. Then tell kids that on “go,” they’re to race to the ball, grab it, toss it in the air, and keep it away from people on the other team.
Yell “go” at the same time that you turn off the lights and turn on a strobe light. Encourage teams to call their war cries as they play. Play this game for three to five minutes.
Afterward, ask:
- How easy or difficult was it to play this game?
- What effect did the strobe light have on your senses?
Read aloud 2 Corinthians 4:3-4. Ask:
- How is this activity like or unlike the way Satan tries to blind unbelievers from seeing Christ’s light?
Say: The Bible tells us that a war is going on right now between the kingdoms and powers of God and Satan. Christians are part of this war. Thankfully, we know that the side of God will win the victory forever. Let’s think about ways you see the forces of darkness at work, especially at Halloween.
Write “darkness” on one sheet of newsprint and “light” on another sheet. Hang them on the wall. Give kids markers and have them list ideas on the newsprint sheets.
2. Craft: Stained Glass Lanterns
- a glass jar for each child
- glue
- water
- paintbrushes
- tissue paper
- scissors
Mix glue and water until it looks like milk. Have kids tear or cut small pieces of tissue paper, brush their jars with the glue mix, and attach the tissue pieces to their jars. Then have them brush the glue mix over the tissue pieces. Let the tissue paper dry.
3. Closing Prayer
Give each child a votive candle. Encourage kids to put their candles in their lanterns and give their lanterns to friends who haven’t seen Jesus’ light yet. Have the children pray for these friends.
4. Snack: Food for Thought
You’ll need:
- dried pumpkin seeds
- cheese spread
- crackers
- plastic knives
Say: Spread the cheese on your cracker. Use the seeds to create designs on your cracker that’ll remind you of Jesus and his light, such as a smiley face, a light, or a cross.
Allergy Alert! Some children have food allergies that can be dangerous. Know your children, and consult with parents about allergies their children may have.
Mark von Ehrenkrook is a children’s and family pastor in Puyallup, Washington.
Check out all these Halloween ideas!
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