Celebrate Grandparents’ Day With This Children’s Message
Use this interactive devotion and craft to honor special family members and friends on Grandparents’ Day.
Text: Genesis 48:8-16
You’ll need
- a Bible
- colorful papers
- pens
Grandparents’ Day Message
Say: Grandparents and grandchildren have always been special to each other—even way back in Bible times. Listen to this Bible story about a grandfather named Jacob, a son named Joseph, and two grandsons. Read Genesis 48:8-16.
Say: Jacob blessed his grandchildren. When we “bless” people, we make them happy.
- What are ways grandparents bless kids?
- What are ways kids bless grandparents?
Say: Let’s bless our grandparents, or other older adults who are special to us. Give each child a pen and a colorful sheet of paper. Trace your hand on your paper. Above your hand, write “Hands down, you’re the best!” Help younger children write.
Say: Now, in your hand outline, write a prayer of blessing. Think of something that’ll make the person you’re giving this craft to happy. Things like, “I pray you feel good,” or “I pray that God gives us exciting adventures together.” Take your hand outline with you and finish your prayer. Then give it to your special person.
Say: To wrap up, let’s all form a circle and put our hands together in the center. On the count of three, let’s raise our hands in the air while we cheer, “Thanks, God, for grandparents! Thanks, God, for blessings!”.
Looking for more ideas for Grandparents’ Day? We have you covered!
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