Christmas Bible Activity: Gingerbread Nativity Scene
This Christmas Bible activity allows elementary-aged children and preteens in your ministry to create their own edible nativity scene in about 45 minutes.
You’ll need:
- Graham crackers,
- straight pretzels,
- unshelled peanuts*,
- chow mein noodles,
- marshmallows,
- decorator’s gel,
- frosting,
- shredded coconut,
- chocolate chips,
- gumdrops,
- plastic knives,
- paper plates,
- and clean scissors
Christmas Bible Activity: Gingerbread Nativity Scene

Give each child a paper plate and equal portions of each ingredient. Have kids each create a nativity scene, complete with a stable, family, and animals.
Kids can create a stable by spreading frosting on the edges of graham crackers and sticking the crackers upright onto the paper plate. Attach a graham cracker roof using frosting, too.
Create family members by stacking two marshmallows with frosting and breaking a straight pretzel in half for arms. Use decorator’s gel to draw faces and clothing. For Magi, attach a large gumdrop to the top of the stacked marshmallows for crowns and portions of gumdrops to the pretzels for gifts. For baby Jesus, place an
unshelled peanut in a bed of chow mein noodle “hay.” Create a donkey using a marshmallow body and head with half pretzels for legs.
Encourage children to be creative as they use the items you’ve given them.
*Please be aware of any peanut allergies. Try using baby carrot, a piece of bread, or a jellybean.
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