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3 Creative Ways to Encourage Kids in Your Ministry to Pray More

Here are three creative ways to encourage kids in your class to pray even more.

Prayer is an incredible privilege because it’s communication with the living God! Yet we often struggle with new ways to get children involved in prayer that’s heartfelt and meaningful. Do your kids have the prayer doldrums? Would you like to help children renew their excitement about communication with God? Check out the following ideas and resources to invite children into conversation with God.


First Timothy 2:1-4 urges “prayers…for everyone — for kings and all those in authority.” So consider praying all year for one leader, such as a government leader, a spiritual leader, or a community leader. Write or tell the person of your kids’ commitment. Pray faithfully and send notes, cards, or cookies monthly to let the person know you’re still praying.

Several years ago I watched a group of children meet their adopted leader, Michigan’s governor. The room buzzed with excitement. One little boy edged closer to the governor and got his full attention. This small child said with incredible conviction, “We pray for you every day, and God answers prayer.” The child’s love poured out in a spontaneous hug that all the children joined. The security officers standing by didn’t know how to handle an attacking “knee hug”!

3 Creative Ways to Encourage Kids in Your Ministry to Pray More

1. P.R.A.Y.

Use the acronym P.R.A.Y. as a model for prayer:





P.R.A.Y. wristbands are even available through the National Day of Prayer Task Force ( with a card attached to explain the acronym.

2. Light of the World

Jesus said in Matthew 5:14-16: “You are the light of the world…let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”

A lighthouse keeps ships from crashing into rocky cliffs during fog. A lighthouse shines the way to give people direction.

Discuss how the children are lighthouses in their neighborhoods and schools. Help children see the importance of their fervent prayer in the place God has placed them to be a light. Lighthouse resources are available through the Mission America Coalition.

3. Prayer Journey

Take children on an exciting prayer journey. Set up five to 10 prayer stations around your church. Our focus has been praying for those who serve our community, so we invite people from the community. Last year, our mayor, police chief, assistant fire chief, Salvation Army director, and rescue mission director were some of the people who were at different stations.

Form groups of 10. Give each child a Prayer Passport with suggested prayers for each station. Have groups spend 10 minutes at each station, stamp their passports, and then move to the next station.

Susan Sorensen is a freelance writer in Westlake, Ohio.

Looking for more teaching tips? Check out these ideas!

2 thoughts on “3 Creative Ways to Encourage Kids in Your Ministry to Pray More

  1. Getting children to pray has been one of my focuses over the last 25 years I have taught pre-K. I believe one of the reasons they are hesitant to pray is because it is not modeled at home out loud either in front of them or in participation with them. I will add these ideas to my arsenal 🙂

    Thank you for such great curriculum and keeping the focus on Jesus to help bring children to make their own personal commitments to Him!

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