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A preteen girl looks on for instructions on how to create an Easter lily.
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Preteen Bible Craft: Creating an Easter Lily

Lead kids in making this Easter Lily Craft to celebrate Easter.

This project will work best with older kids. For this craft, you’ll need:

  • scissors
  • green and white 1½ inch wire-edged ribbon
  • green and white floral wrapping tape (available from craft stores)

Preteen Bible Craft: Creating an Easter Lily

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Beforehand, cut the ribbon into 8-inch lengths. Cut one end of each strip into a point so it looks like the shape of a ski.

Tell children to take six white strips (Easter lily petals) and six green strips (leaves). Beginning with three white strips, hold the pointed tips up.

Then hold the bottom halves together as you arrange the three petals to point in different directions — in the 12 o’clock, 4 o’clock, and 8 o’clock positions. Then scrunch the bottom halves together in your fist to form a stem. Wrap the stem with white floral wrapping tape. Shape the petals by curling them outward and down with your fingers.

Add the next three white strips to the stem of the previous petals, arranging the new petals to alternate with the previous petals-in the 2 o’clock, 6 o’clock, and 10 o’clock positions. Scrunch the bottom halves to the stem. Wrap the stem with white floral wrapping tape. Shape the petals by curling them outward and down with your fingers.

Take three green strips. Add each strip to the stem of the petals, arranging the three leaves to point in different directions. Bend the leaves outward, and wrap the stem with green floral wrapping tape.

Repeat this process with the three remaining leaves. Wrap the stem tightly with green floral wrapping tape all the way to the end of the ribbons. Voilà! You have a beautiful Easter lily.

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2 thoughts on “Preteen Bible Craft: Creating an Easter Lily

  1. Such a cute and easy craft!!!!! 🙂

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Preteen Bible Craft: Creating an East...

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