3 Easter Extras That Will Inspire Kids’ Love for Jesus
Help the children in your ministry discover even more about Jesus and Easter with these delightful activities.
3 Easter Extras That Will Inspire Kids’ Love for Jesus
1. An Easter Bonfire
Early Christians often lit bonfires on the night before Easter to represent the light coming into the world through Christ. You also can use this tradition to celebrate Easter in your church. (If you have this instead of an Easter Sunrise Service, your non-early-risers will call you blessed!)
Check with your fire department to determine if a special permit is needed to have a bonfire and for any safety regulations you’ll need to carefully follow. Then choose an open area. Stack large pieces of wood.
The night of the big bonfire, have everyone meet about a quarter of a mile from your bonfire site. Reenact Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Give everyone palm branches as you lead the parade to the bonfire. Encourage people to call out their own “Hosannas” to God.
Once at the bonfire, light the prepared wood. Have a brief devotion with a Scripture reading, then lead everyone in singing praise choruses. Invite people to tell how the light of Christ came into their lives. Close with a prayer of thanks for the hope and salvation that the first Easter morning gave the world.
After everyone leaves, enlist your fire department’s help to make sure the fire’s completely out.
2. Lamb Cupcakes
Make these fun snacks with kids to remember the Lamb of God at Easter.
You’ll need:
- plain cupcakes
- white icing
- vanilla wafers broken in half
- coconut
- M&M’s candies
- 1-inch pieces of red string licorice
- paper towels
- plastic knives
Tell kids to:
- Remove the paper from your cupcake.
- Turn your cupcake upside down on a paper towel.
- Frost your cupcake all over and sprinkle it with coconut
- Press a wafer half to each side of your cupcake for lamb ears.
- Use two M&M’s candies for eyes and two pieces of licorice for the nose and mouth.
Tell kids that Jesus is often called the Lamb of God because he gave his life for us. Then allow them to enjoy their snack.
3. Easter Pots
Have children create keepsake gifts for the people who live around your church building. Spray the outside of 4-inch terra cotta pots with acrylic sealer. Allow to dry. Then have children place their hands in tempera paint and grasp the sides of a pot, leaving two hand prints. Spray with acrylic sealer and allow to dry.
Have kids transfer a small potted ivy to the pot. Fill in the pot with potting soil. Have kids deliver the Easter pots to people who live around your church building. As they deliver their pots, have them tell that they’re from your church and say, “Jesus gives us new life. Happy Easter!”
Looking for even more great ideas for Easter? Check out all our Easter posts.
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