Elementary + Preteen Craft: 3 Different Valentine Cards to Make this Year
Have your elementary + preteen students make these 3 different Valentine cards this year to help kids learn about God’s love.
You’ll need:
- Cardstock,
- 1/2-inch-thick sponges cut in different-size heart shapes,
- aluminum pie pans each filled with a different color tempera paint,
- pencils,
- scissors,
- glitter glue,
- sequins,
- markers,
- construction paper,
- magazines
- and glue.
3 Different Valentine Cards to Make this Year
Say: Today you’re going to make Valentine cards, and then sign each card for someone you love. We have three unique cards to make.
- Have kids fold a sheet of cardstock to make a card. Then have them dip a sponge heart into the paint and gently press the sponge onto their card. They can add as many sponge hearts as they want, and then allow the paint to dry.
- Helps kids trace their hand on a sheet of cardstock. Then have them cut the handprints out, and decorate them using glitter glue, sequins, and markers. Then have kids write phrases such as “I’ll hand it to you—you’re lovable” or “I love you, so give yourself a pat on the back!” on each handprint.
- Instruct kids to cut out hearts from different color construction paper or colorful magazine ads. Have them glue the hearts to the front of their card to make a collage of hearts.
Talk Teasers
- What does Valentine’s Day remind us to do?
In 1 John 4:7-11, God tells us to love one another the same way he loves us.
- How has God shown his love to you?
- How can you show God’s love to other people?
- Who is someone special that you love?
Say: In John 15:17, Jesus spoke to the disciples saying “This is my command: Love each other.”
- Is it always easy to love each other? Why or why not?
Say: Let’s thank God for the family and friends he’s given us to love. Close in prayer.
Pam Clifford
Loveland, Colorado
Looking for even more great Valentine’s Day ideas? Check out all our Valentine’s Day posts.
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