Because I Love You: Easter Lesson, Plus FREE Memes
There’s no better time to share Jesus’ love with kids than Easter! This year on Easter Sunday, use this video-based lesson to share Jesus’ story from his own perspective. Then talk to kids about what it means to love God and love others. Be sure to allow kids to share freely and without judgement. Rather than disagreeing with answers they may give, respond with another question to help them get back on track. Sometimes kids can be silly, and that’s okay. Do your best to redirect, and try not to focus on the behavior. Instead, focus on showing your love to them—just as Jesus would.
Because I Love You: An Easter Lesson
Read Matthew 27:27-28:10 to the children (or allow the kids to read).
Show the video below. (This video expresses a first-person account of Jesus’ death and resurrection from the Friends With God Story Bible.)
Group gives churches permission to show this video in your children’s ministry.
After the video, say:
Jesus didn’t want to be tortured and killed. But he knew it was the only way to save all of us from evil and help us find forgiveness for the wrong things we do. He died for us because he loves us–all of us! All we have to do is believe it.
Jesus shows his love for us by forgiving us when we don’t do the right thing. And we can show love to our friends, too.
Ask these questions and allow kids to share:
- What’s your favorite way to show love to your friends?
- What are some simple ways you can show others you care about them?
- What’s something that can make it hard to show someone you love them?
- How do you think it makes God feel when we love him and other people?
God sent Jesus to the world to show people what love is all about. God loves you sooooo much! And it makes God happiest when we love him back and love other people. Even people that are hard to love. Think of someone that you have a hard time loving. Now, let’s say a prayer for God to help us love everyone, even the person you’re thinking of.
Pray with the children.
FREE DOWNLOAD for Families
Click here to download a PDF of this story and a companion devotion for families to do at home. The story comes from the Friends with God Story Bible and the devotion is from the Friends With God Devotions for Kids book.
FREE Jesus-Focused Memes!
Share the love of Jesus throughout the weeks leading up to Easter on your social media pages/groups. Everyone deserves to know how much Jesus loves them!

Looking for a great Easter gift to hand out to all the kids in your ministry? Stock up on Notes From Jesus today!
Looking for even more great ideas for Easter? Check out all our Easter posts.
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