Kids’ Sunday School Lesson: God and Abraham
Use this Sunday school lesson to teach kids about God and Abraham. Find more great Sunday school lessons to help kids grow in their faith.
Kids’ Sunday School Lesson: God and Abraham
1. Trust Me
Form pairs. Lead pairs in the following activities. Have partners trade places for each event.
Cotton Ball Chase
Form pairs. Blindfold one child. Have the other child lead the blindfolded child around the room. Tell the guide to stop occasionally and let the blindfolded partner touch or smell things. Don’t allow any talking. After three minutes, have partners switch roles. One partner blindfolds the other and guides the blindfolded partner in scooping up cotton balls with a spoon and placing them in a bowl.
Blind Fall
One partner stands behind the other and catches the standing partner as he or she falls back.
- How did it feel to trust someone?
- How did it feel to be trusted? not trusted?
Read aloud Genesis 22:1-19.
- Why did Abraham trust God?
- How did God reward Abraham?
- Is it easy or difficult for you to trust God? Explain.
- What does this scripture passage reveal about God that’ll help you trust him?
2. Star Power Craft
Have each child mix together the following ingredients: 2 shredded slices of crustless bread, 2 tablespoons of white glue, and 2 drops of food coloring.
Have kids knead their bread clay-mixture. Then have them roll out their dough and use star cookie cutters to make stars. Kids can paint their stars with Tempera paint. Encourage kids to reward someone who is trusting God this week by giving them a star.
3. Lamb Masks Craft
Give each child two connected egg cups from an egg carton. Have kids cut a circle out of the bottom of each cup. Have kids thread pipe cleaners through punched holes on the sides of their mask to make ear pieces. Then give kids glue and cotton balls to decorate their lamb masks. Afterward, have kids wear their masks and play Lamb in a Thicket (otherwise known as Hide-and-Seek).
4. Snack
You’ll need:
- ricotta cheese (or goat cheese)
- crackers
- dried fruit
- blunt knives
Tell children they’re going to enjoy a snack that Abraham and Isaac may’ve eaten on their journey. Pretend that the ricotta cheese is goat’s cheese. Have kids gather around the food and serve one another goat’s cheese on crackers and dried fruit.
Contributors: Nancy Paulson, Cindy Newell, Heather Ward, Walter Norvell
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