Preschool and Elementary Craft: Bubble Up
Bubbles are a great craft to help kids learn about keeping their eyes on Jesus, using Hebrews 12:2 as your teaching focus.
Age Level: 4 to 8
Bible Connect: Hebrews 12:2
You’ll need:
- liquid tempera paint
- bubble solution
- shallow baking pan
- drinking straws
- white construction paper
Preschool and Elementary Craft: Bubble Up
Mix liquid tempera paint and bubble solution to the desired color, then pour the colored solution into the bottom of a shallow baking pan. Have kids use straws to blow into the bubble solution and create large, colored bubbles. Then have kids quickly place a piece of construction paper over the top of the bubbles to create a bubble picture.
Dry-Off Debrief
Say: Divers can get confused when they’re in deep water because it can be difficult to tell which way is up toward the surface. The bubbles from their oxygen tank may seem to be going sideways, but the bubbles can give the right direction. Bubbles generally rise to the surface.
Read aloud the Scripture.
- What things can distract you from keeping your eyes on Jesus?
- How can we know what Jesus wants us to do?
- Why is it important to keep our eyes on Jesus?
For more sciency-fun ideas, check out Sciency-Fun WOWS!: 54 Surprising Bible Object Lessons (ages 3-7) and (ages 8-12). You can find even more craft ideas here!
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