3 Tips to Keep VBS Visitors Coming Back for More
Vacation Bible School (VBS) season is almost here! What can you do to have VBS visitors coming back for more? Keep reading to find out!
We hear from children’s ministers all the time that VBS is their biggest outreach event of the year. Even if your church doesn’t hold a VBS, other summer events can bring a lot of visitors through your church doors. The thing is, how do you get them to come back after VBS is done and summer is over?
Making little changes here and there during your summer events can help you retain your visitors and keep them coming back for more. Here are some easy steps you can take before, during, and after your events to make your church more magnetic.
3 Tips to Keep VBS Visitors Coming Back for More
1. Start with sign-up.
Here’s the place to offer your visitors a warm welcome. If you haven’t had a registration table at your events, we encourage you to start setting one up. Or set up a quick and easy online registration for busy parents on the go. Not only can you collect important medical information in case of an emergency, but this is also your chance to collect contact information for follow-up.
Here’s a tip: Since people today can be wary of giving out personal information, tell those who are signing up that you won’t share their information (and then keep your digital and physical records secure). Explain that they will not be bombarded with junk mail, perhaps only a letter or two. This helps start building trust between the church and parents.
2. Keep VBS visitors connected.
A lot of churches utilize social media websites to promote their events. Be sure to keep it going during VBS. It’s been reported that 85 percent of moms visit Facebook daily. Upgrade your daily newsletter and make a private Facebook or Instagram page. Invite parents to visit and join the page to check out photos and stories of the day’s happenings. While they’re there, make sure they have access to your church’s webpage and information in case they want to come back.
3. The fun’s just begun.
Don’t let your kids and parents leave without an invitation to the next event you’re hosting, and include information about your regular church services. Giving them a “save-the-date” card is a simple way to show that you’re an active ministry. Include your church’s basic information and a warm message of “we hope to see you again.”
Families will return to a place where people genuinely care about them and for them. So focus on building relationships with your guests. Send friendly notes using the contact information you received. Keep parents updated on Facebook about upcoming events. Be ready to share Jesus’ love with families as soon as they arrive and right before they leave (and all in between, too).
Finally, make sure your church is prepared for Sunday services following your event. Is everything clean and in order? Is there clear signage to help guide new visitors? Are greeters ready to welcome and guide? It can be intimidating for families to come to your church for the first time. Be warm, friendly, and show God’s love and you may just find yourself with some new members!
Looking for even more great ideas for Vacation Bible School? Check out all our VBS posts.
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