Palm Sunday Outreach Idea: Victory Palms
In this Palm Sunday outreach, kids will make posters to encourage hospital patients.
Scripture: Romans 8:35-37
You’ll need:
- Bible
- scissors
- paper
- art supplies such as markers, crayons, colored pencils, and glitter glue
- fake palm branches (available at craft stores)
- glue
- poster board
- clear vinyl adhesive paper
Palm Sunday Outreach: Victory Palms
Contact a local hospital and ask for permission to hang posters in waiting areas or common rooms where patients can see them. Once you have permission, get your kids together to create the posters.
Say: In Roman times, palm branches were symbols of triumph and winning, both in games and military successes. When Jesus rode into Jerusalem, the Jewish people honored him by lining the road with palm branches because they expected him to bring victory over the Roman rulers. Today when we think of winning, we don’t usually think of palm leaves.
- What things symbolize winning today?
Have kids create pictures of trophies, crowns, medals, or other symbols of victory by drawing them with markers, crayons, colored pencils, or glitter glue. Then have kids make a victory collage by gluing the cutouts onto a poster board.
Have kids spell out the word victory with fake palm branches and glue it to the poster. Provide markers so kids can add other written words of encouragement and perseverance. Consider using the following Scriptures that talk about winning and triumph: Deuteronomy 20:4; 1 Corinthians 15:57; or James 1:12. When the posters are complete, laminate them with clear vinyl adhesive paper.
Read Romans 8:35-37.
Say: There are people in our community who are threatened with death or injury, and they might feel like they’re separated from Jesus’ love. Let’s give these posters to a local hospital to help patients there know that no matter what, victory is theirs with Jesus!
Have kids hold their posters and take turns praying for strength and courage for the people who’ll see the posters. Then take them to the hospital and display them.
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