3 Healthy Bible Snacks: Food for Thought
Here are three healthy Bible snacks that’ll give kids food for thought! Use them to teach important Bible lessons.

Healthy Bible Snack 1: Butterflies of Change
Best for Chefs Ages 6 to 12
The way the caterpillar transforms into something else entirely is a wonderful example of how our hearts are changed when Jesus becomes a part of our lives. Use this simple, healthy snack to reinforce that idea with children.
Stock Your Pantry
- apple slices
- cream cheese
- thin carrot sticks
- plastic knives
Simmer and Saute
- Place apple slices into the shape of butterfly wings. Each butterfly will have eight slices.
- Have the kids spread cream cheese onto four of the slices and sandwich them with the other apples.
- Then have them arrange the apples to look like a butterfly with the long carrot sticks at the center serving as the body.
Use this same snack when teaching children that we’re a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) and about Creation (Genesis 1) and the Transfiguration (Luke 9:28-36).
Watch this video to see how.
Healthy Bible Snack 2: Edible Garden
Best for Chefs Ages 6 to 12

Bring the Garden of Eden to life with this simple, healthy snack that allows kids to play with their food.
Stock Your Pantry
- Cucumber slices
- Fresh spinach leaves
- Cherry tomatoes
- Celery sticks
- Ranch dip
Simmer and Saute
Challenge kids to create a colorful display of vegetable flowers and plants like they may’ve seen if they’d been in the garden themselves. With a little imagination, cucumbers are flower petals, a celery stalk is a stem, and spinach leaves become the flower’s leaves. Once kids have created a masterpiece, hand out servings of ranch dip and let them eat their art.
You can also use this snack when teaching children to be thankful for the food God provides.

Healthy Bible Snack 3: Fruity Flowers
Best for Chefs of All Ages
Give kids a chance to experience the fruit of the Spirit in a tasty new way.
Stock Your Pantry
- Bananas
- Kiwis
- Raspberries or strawberries
- Licorice twists
- Mint leaves
Simmer and Saute
Have kids design flowers, starting with a banana as the center of each flower. Arrange a variety of other fruits around the center of the circle to create flowered freuit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Slice raspberries or strawberries into petals, and use licorice twists as the stem. Mint leaves become the final touch.
You can use this same snack when teaching children about the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2).
Watch this video to see how.
Looking for more snack ideas? Check out these posts!
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