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FREE Webinar: How to Do Kids’ Sunday School in a COVID-19 World

Listen in to this very special panel discussion featuring kidmin leaders from around the country who’ve kept their kids’ Sunday school program going during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Kids' Sunday school

Are you wondering how to keep calm and Sunday school on?

Listen in as our kidmin panelists talk about what’s worked in their ministries and how they’ve overcome challenges resulting from the pandemic. You’ll also learn about their initial plans to continue reopening ministries as restrictions lift.


You’ll hear:

  • An open discussion among CM leaders who have continued with Sunday school during COVID.
  • Why they’ve kept kids’ Sunday school going, how they’ve done it, and what they’ve learned from the process.
  • Plans to reopen their ministry for in-person meetings.
  • Encouragement, ideas, inspiration, and how-to guidance for leaders to continue, or possibly start, using their curriculum for weekly Sunday school (whether in-person, online or other means).
  • Tips for finding COVID-compatible Sunday school options. Plus, help for people struggling with adapting lessons to the constraints created by COVID-19.
  • Advice for kidmin leaders struggling to keep kids and families engaged.

Watch For Free Right Here

Find more COVID-friendly ministry leadership advice here.

Find more COVID-friendly resources here.

Like you, we are finding our way through this unprecedented moment in history. If this free webinar was helpful to you, please consider visiting and purchasing one of our excellent resources for children’s ministry leaders and team members.

8 thoughts on “FREE Webinar: How to Do Kids’ Sunday School in a COVID-19 World

  1. Michele Dorland

    Would there be a way we could listen to the webinar that you held back on July 8? I would like to hear comments and input from fellow children’s ministry leaders as to what they are doing for Sunday School.

  2. Natalie💗😜😂

    This is a great idea!

  3. Maria C. Murtha

    I’m beginning zoom for children. Anything and everything from you will be helpful!

  4. Chrissy Redding

    I am thankful that I have been able to connect with kids through zoom.It was challenging since I am not tech savy. What helped me before I started with kids was to have several family zoom calls to practice how to run the zoom call on my family. What has been most helpful on the leading side is to have one or two other teachers who are on the call as well. This way one can co host and watch the waiting room while one or two are greeting kids as they log on. The other most helpful thing I found is being able to break into chat rooms which requires other adults on board. The chat rooms make it easier to talk and pray in smaller groups. So we will play a large group game then teach and worship together, then break into smaller chat rooms for application discussion and prayer. I can’t wait to be back in person, but I have had a chance to stay connected through zoom.

  5. Need to know more about the Webinar


      Hi Pastor Joy! This webinar has already taken place, but you are able to watch the webinar via the link in this article.

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FREE Webinar: How to Do Kids’ S...

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