4 Ways You Can Double Your Ministry’s Impact
Here are four simple ways to serve the families in your ministry twice as much as required from you.
“If a soldier demands that you carry his gear for a mile, carry it two miles” (Matthew 5:41).
Israel was under Roman rule when Jesus spoke these words. He told his followers to do far more than required. Today Jesus challenges us to serve families in ways far beyond what’s expected — we need to “times two” our service! This truth can translate right into your family ministry.
4 Ways You Can Double Your Ministry’s Impact
1. Seek opportunities to serve.
Look for ways to serve families “times two.” Or with a mindset of doing things that show parents and kids that they’re seen and they matter. Some ideas you can plan — such as designating special up-close parking for expectant moms. Other opportunities may just pop up — helping a dad to his car with four kids in tow. Watch his grateful expression as you buckle car seats and provide crackers for the ride home.
2. Train your team.
Teach your volunteers to reach out with times-two service by making it a core value of your ministry. Emphasize the importance of exceeding families’ expectations — always. At team meetings, allow time for volunteers to share their times-two experiences.
3. Make a difference.
Can you imagine the look on a Roman soldier’s face when someone said he wanted to carry that heavy gear an extra mile? You’ll get similar responses when you times two your service. One summer, a girl who went to camp didn’t have fun due to a misunderstanding with a counselor. We decided to “times two” and took a cookie bouquet to her home. We sat and worked through the issue with her and her parents. The look on their faces when we left was obvious — God used this times-two service to minister to this family.
4. Create lasting impressions.
At a recent hotel stay, the manager handed me a fresh-baked cookie at check in, but he didn’t stop there — he times two-ed his hospitality. He also handed me a handwritten, personal note thanking me for my stay. Wow! I won’t forget his gesture, and you can bet I’ll stay at that hotel in the future. What lasting impressions does your church leave with families?
When you times two your service to families, they won’t forget it. In fact, it may affect the number of families you minister to each week — times two — and that’s a double blessing for your ministry.
Bonus idea! Consider adding Team Family to your ministry plan.
If you’re looking for ways you can reach, engage, and support the families in your ministry and community, Team Family gives you a year-round plan for intentional family ministry. This suite of resources includes ideas for family events, scripts for family worship services, ways for families to reach and serve your community, and ways to equip families to grow their faith at home. It’s another effective way to maximize your ministry’s impact!
Dale Hudson has over 30 years of experience in children’s ministry and is the founder of Building Children’s Ministry.
Looking for more ideas for families? Check out these articles!
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