3 Preteen Bible Activities for Your Children’s Ministry
These three Bible activities will get preteens in your ministry having fun in the Bible.
3 Preteen Bible Activities for Your Children’s Ministry
1. Ping-Pong Problems
Use this game to discuss trials.
You’ll need:
- a washer tied to a 5-foot string for each preteen,
- ping-pong balls,
- a Bible,
- chairs,
- and books.
Read aloud Job 1:1-5. Say: Based on what these verses tell us about Job, explain whether you think Job deserved for bad things to happen.
Form two teams. Have both teams line up on one wall. Read aloud Job 1:6-11.
Have teams begin the relay race. Kids from each team will take turns kicking a ping-pong ball across the room.
Read aloud Job 1:12-17.
Make an obstacle course by scattering books and chairs in front of each team. This time kids will hold the strings and use the washers to hit the balls around obstacles as they make their way across the room.
Read aloud Job 1:18-19.
Remove the obstacles. This time, with the strings between their teeth, they’ll use the washers to hit the balls across the room.
- How did you overcome each new, difficult situation?
Read aloud Job 1:20-22.
- What do you think about how Job reacted?
- How do you usually react to trials?
- What can you learn from Job?
Shawn Vander Lugt
Loveland, Colorado
2. Destruction
Use this interactive Bible passage to discuss jealousy’s destructiveness.
You’ll need:
- a Bible,
- scissors,
- markers,
- and an old shirt.
Say: We often don’t think about how jealousy can hurt others. We think it’s just something we feel inside, but the Bible tells about many people who destroyed their lives and others’ lives because of jealousy.
Show the shirt. Tell preteens this shirt will represent a healthy family or group of friends.
As you read aloud Genesis 4:1-16, have preteens cut and scribble on the shirt every time they hear an action that came from jealousy or a consequence of jealousy.
- How is the ruined shirt like the consequences of jealousy?
- How can you guard against jealousy?
Say: When jealousy grows in our hearts, it ruins friendships and families the way scissors and markers destroyed the shirt. But God is stronger! He’ll change our hearts if we ask him.
Sharon Carey
Washington, Illinois
3. Preteen Pop-Up Prayers Activity
Use this devotion to talk about when God answers prayer.
You’ll need:
- a Bible,
- pens,
- scissors,
- and one copy per preteen of the Heart Template
Have kids follow the instructions on the Heart Template to make the heart before the activity.

Preteens write a personal prayer on the back of the heart. Read aloud Acts 9:36-37. Preteens discuss times it didn’t seem God answered a prayer. Read aloud Acts 9:38-42. Preteens open their cards on verse 40 to watch the heart pop up. Have preteens discuss times God answered a prayer for something they thought was impossible and ways God sometimes answers prayers differently than we expect.
Looking for more preteen ideas? Check out these posts!
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