President’s Day Children’s Message: Droppin’ a Line
Teaching kids about the power of prayer could be as simple as sending a postcard to the President to celebrate President’s Day.
Theme: President’s Day
Text: Psalm 17:6
Best for: Grades 2-6
For each child, you’ll need:
- a pen
- and a postcard addressed to:
The President,
The White House,
Washington, D.C. 20500.
President’s Day Children’s Message: Droppin’ a Line
Say: Every February, our country celebrates Presidents Day to honor our country’s past presidents. The president is very powerful and has a difficult job. He must make hard decisions that affect all of us. We can tell the president how we feel about his decisions and what we want him to decide.
Say: Today, you’re going to write to the president and tell him what you think. Distribute the postcards. Write anything you want the president to know about how our nation can be better. Allow time for kids to write a message.
Say: It’s neat that we can write a postcard to the most powerful man in our country. God is a zillion times more powerful than the president. And we don’t need to send God a postcard; we can talk directly to him. That’s more amazing! Read Psalm 17:6. Let’s talk to God right now about our president.
Encourage children to say sentence prayers for the president.
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