Simple Partner Activity: Fearless Noses
In this simple partner activity, kids lead partners who have their eyes closed to explore how God is bigger than our fears.
This game helps kids explore Numbers 13:1–14:9 with the Bible story: God gives Caleb courage.
Partner Activity: Fearless Noses
Say: God is bigger than our fears.
- What’s something that scared you recently?
Say: Even when things scare us, we can trust God. This game will help you practice trusting by seeing if you can trust a partner to lead you when you can’t see!
- Kids form pairs.
- The older partner is the Guide; the younger partner is the Walker.
- Walkers all close their eyes.
- Guides stand behind Walkers, put their hands on their shoulders, and help them cross the room, avoiding running into anyone or anything.
- Guides will walk their partners right up to a wall, approaching slowly so the person’s nose touches the wall without getting bumped.
- Partners trade roles and play again.
- Let the game keep going with new pairs until parents arrive for pick-up.
This simple partner activity comes from DIG IN Children’s Church. When you have extra time you need to fill, DIG IN Children’s Church has got you covered with the Overtime Activity block, where you’ll find activities like these ones that require no supplies and no prep! For even more game ideas, check out these posts!
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