Training Your Leaders: Children’s Minister’s Book Club
Have your team recruited, trained, organized, and excited about all that God is going to do in the lives of children this year through a book club.
Training Your Leaders: Children’s Minister’s Book Club
Before you know it, school will be kicking back into gear. If you’re a children’s ministry director, you’ll need to have your team recruited, trained, organized, and excited about all that God is going to do in the lives of children this year.
When making goals for the new ministry year, I often include a few goals for my professional growth. Countless times I’ve made it my aim to read books that I know will be of great benefit to my growth as a children’s minister. But much to my disappointment, 365 days fly by, and I’ve barely opened a book. Well, not this year!
In the St. Louis area, I’m starting a children’s ministers book club. During the course of the year, we’ll read four to six books together. Our first selection is Joining Children on the Spiritual Journey by Catherine Stonehouse. We’ll follow that with Focus on the Family’s Parents’ Guide to the Spiritual Growth of Children.
We’ll meet every other month to have lunch and discuss ways we can implement what we’ve read. That’ll give us 50 to 60 days to read each book. Our club will most likely run with the school year since most children’s ministers’ summer schedules are so busy.
Here’s a sample outline we’ll follow for our discussions:
- What was your overall impression of this book?
- Which insights did you glean that were most valuable insights from reading this book?
- What did you learn that you want to apply to your ministry?
- What challenged you the most?
- Are there any points at which you disagree with the author?
- Is there anything you didn’t understand? If you want to start a book club, call a few colleagues in your area and make yourself accountable to reading in the new school year!
Lori Salomo
Ballwin, Missouri
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