Older Elementary Bible Game: Don’t Spill the Beans
Use this Bible game, Don’t Spill the Beans, to help encourage older elementary students to have an attitude of patience.
Older Elementary Bible Game: Don’t Spill the Beans
Beforehand, get two tongue depressors and two small plastic cups (plastic communion cups or Dixie paper cups work best). Glue one cup in the middle of each tongue depressor with the cup in an upright position.
When you’re ready to play this game, form two teams. Have teams form two lines facing each other. Give the first child in each team a tongue depressor with the cup glued to it.
Fill each cup with beans and explain to the kids that they’re to hold one hand behind their back while holding one end of the tongue depressor in the other hand.
Then have the first child in line pass the other end of the tongue depressor to the next child in line without spilling any of the beans and using only one hand. Continue all the way down the line to the last person.
If any beans are spilled, that team has to refill and start over. The first team to pass the cup successfully to the end of the line is the winner.
After the game, read aloud Hebrews 6:11-15.
Then ask:
- How did you feel as you played this game?
- How important was patience to successfully complete this game?
- Explain. How do you think Abraham felt when he had to wait for God’s promises?
- What does the Bible promise us if we’re patient?
- What’s one thing you can do to practice patience in your faith?
Sylvia Stevens
Lancaster, South Carolina
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