FREE Elementary Family Devotion on Prayer: Jesus Shows Us How to Live and Talk With God
Use this free elementary family devotion to teach kids and families about prayer.
Prayer Grows Friendship With God
In Jesus’ day, prayer came with a lot of rules. Some religious leaders used it to show others how devout and smart they were. If we’re honest, we may still face the same struggles today. When we pray in front of others, sometimes there are a lot of nerves attached: “Will I sound impressive? Will people think I’m spiritual?”
But Jesus’ prayer was different. Jesus showed us how to live and talk with God! When Jesus taught us how to pray, he took away the notion that prayer needs to be impressive to others. He simplified it, making it about having a good conversation with our daddy—Abba—rather than a spiritual show and tell.
This elementary family devotion will help kids feel more comfortable with prayer. Even if they don’t use the same words they’ve heard others use, they can talk with God like they’d talk with a friend. That’s what prayer really is!
Share This Free Devotion With Families
Click the link below to download a free Take-It-Home Flyer from Quarter 4 of Simply Loved Sunday School Curriculum.
After reading the Jesus-centered devotion, kids and families can talk about a cool question, consider a practical way to live out their faith at home, and find and read Scripture about prayer in the Bible.
FREE DOWNLOAD: Jesus Shows Us How to Live…and Talk With God
This Devotion Comes From Simply Loved!
Help kids experience God’s greatest gift through Simply Loved Sunday School. With a three-year scope and sequence, Simply Loved takes kids and their leaders—and families—through a foundational, Jesus-centered journey across God’s story of Love.
To find out more and download free lessons, visit
While you’re at it, supercharge your family ministry with the scalable and oh-so-doable activities in Team Family. Formulated to fit smoothly into typical yearly rhythms, Team Family will help you effectively reach, engage, and support parents and kids in today’s over-busy culture.
Want more tips and great devotions for families? Check out these ideas!
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