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A mom and a son talk as they work on a devotion. The mother is holding a gold star in her hand.
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Simple Family Devotion: Jesus’ Birth and Five Golden Stars

Use this simple family devotion, Five Golden Stars, to equip the parents in your church to lead their family in celebrating Jesus’ birth.

Family Devotion: Five Golden Stars

First, get four pieces of clean trash, such as crumpled, unused tissues. Hide them around the house in somewhat obvious locations, and then place a small star sticker in plain view just above the hiding place of each item.

Get a better item, such as a plate of cookies, and hide it very well. Place the large star sticker above it, but make sure the sticker isn’t easy to see.

Tell your family you’re sending them on a treasure hunt for this devotion. Explain that they let the stars guide them to look for hidden treasure. Walk with your family as they search, and let them know when they’ve found all the stars.


  • How did the treasure under the big star compare with the other treasures?
  • How does the treasure of Jesus compare with other things about Christmas?
  • What things can distract us from looking for Jesus?

Say: Jesus is the greatest Christmas treasure of all. He’s the very reason we celebrate! This Christmas, remember to look for Jesus. End the devotion by enjoying the tasty treat together as a family.

Check out all our Christmas posts. Looking for more ideas for families? Check out these articles!

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Simple Family Devotion: Jesus’ ...

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