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Family Faith Adventures: 7 Ways to Take Faith on the Road This Summer

Family Adventure 1: Keep a Sheep

Challenge families to grab a cotton ball or (clean) crumpled tissue and make it the family pet sheep for the week. They’ll give it a name and show it love. Wherever they go, they’ll take their sheep with them (sheep can’t be left alone!) and make sure it stays safe and clean. 

Then have families listen to Season 1, Episode 8 of the Gospel Adventures Show (“Ben’s Not a German Shepherd”). They’ll learn about Psalm 23 and explore how they can trust God for help. God cares for us like a shepherd—just as they’re caring for their cotton-ball sheep. 

Family Adventure 2: Lights Out!

Challenge families to spend an evening in the dark. Turn off all the lights and find ways to have fun with little to no light! For example, maybe they’ll play an extra challenging game of hide-and-seek or hot-and-cold. Maybe they’ll tell jokes or funny stories, or sing songs together. The (night) sky’s the limit! 

Just before bed, they can turn the lights on and celebrate the power we have through the Holy Spirit. Just like the lights show us the things around us, the Holy Spirit’s power can show us what we need to do! 

Families can listen to Season 1, Episode 12 of the Gospel Adventures Show (“A Well-Done Plate of Earmuffs”) to learn more about the Holy Spirit’s power. 

Family Adventure 3: Not I!

This is a great game for a road trip. Challenge families to answer questions like the ones below. The catch? No one can use the words “I” or “me!”  

Here are some suggested questions: 

  • Tell about the most fun thing we’ve done as a family. 
  • Tell about the coolest place you’ve ever been. 
  • Talk about a silly dream you had. 
  • Tell about what you want to do when you grow up. 
  • Talk about a choice you’ve made. 

Then read James 1:5: “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” Challenge parents and kids to remember to turn to God, not “me” or “I” when they need wisdom! 

For more about how God gives us wisdom, families can listen to Season 1, Episode 25 of the Gospel Adventures Show (“Fruity Cooties”). 

Family Adventure 4: Cross Roads

This adventure can be done just about anywhere—in the car, at the beach, on a hike, or at home! Families will find items around them to make a cross, then take a picture of it. Challenge parents and kids to see how many crosses they can make during the week using different materials. You might even have them share their cross pictures on your church’s social media page. 

Then have families listen to Season 1, Episode 28 of the Gospel Adventures Show (“The Slither Stroke”) to explore what the cross means for them. 

Family Adventure 5: P.R.A.Y. Every Day

Challenge families to pray throughout the week using this acronym. It will help them remember to watch for God everywhere they go! 

Praise: Tell God what you love about him. 

Repent: Tell God you’re sorry for anything you’ve done wrong and ask for his help to choose God’s way next time.  

Ask God for something. 

Yay!: Celebrate God and all the things he has done for us. 

Challenge parents and kids to P.R.A.Y. everywhere they go this week! 

Then have them listen to Season 1, Episode 34 of the Gospel Adventures Show (“DJ Noahnator”) to find out more about prayer. 

Family Adventure 6: Family Talent Show

Challenge families to have several talent shows. One can be at home, where they’ll have access to supplies they might need (such as soccer balls and instruments). One will be in the car—what talents can they show off while safely staying buckled up? And the third will be while eating. What food-related talents do they have? 

Families can listen to Season 1, Episode 40 of the Gospel Adventures Show (“A Mob of Mutant Tacos”) to see how God gives us gifts to share with others! 

Family Adventure 7: “Look Ma, No Eyes!”

Challenge families to go to an open space—a park, the beach, a backyard. They’ll take turns walking with their eyes closed, following the sound of the voice of someone in their family until they get to them. They can remember that even when they can’t see what God is doing, they can trust God’s plan. 

And families can get excited for Season 2 of the Gospel Adventures Show, where episode 2 (“The Plantnapper”) will help them learn to trust God’s plan. This episode will release on September 8, 2024. 

In addition to these fun faith challenges, The Gospel Adventures Show is a great way to engage families in faith experiences and conversations while they’re on the go this summer. Your families can catch up on all of season 1 here, or anywhere they listen to podcasts! Plus, don’t forget to pre-order Team Family, an all-new suite of resources to help your church effectively reach and engage families—available in July 2024! 

To print or email these adventures to the families in your ministry, simply enter your email in the form below for a colorful, print-ready file…  

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Family Faith Adventures: 7 Ways to Ta...

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