Volunteer Devotion for Christmas: Big Presents, Little Package
Share a light-hearted moment of joy and discovery with the volunteer devotion for Christmas.
You’ll need:
- a small matchbox stuffed completely with tiny items such as a staple, paper clip, stamp, dental floss, dime, pin, safety pin, button, string, ribbon, bead, nail, toothpick, pebble, and seed
Gift wrap the filled box.
Volunteer Devotion for Christmas: Big Presents, Little Package
Place the tiny gift where all can see, and ask your volunteers to guess what tiny gift might be inside the box. Give them one minute to write their guess. Then ask one volunteer to unwrap the gift and display what’s inside.
- Were you surprised by how much was inside such a tiny box? Why or why not?
- How is this gift like or unlike the children in our ministry?
Say: The children we minister to are a lot like this box—they’re small on the outside, but they’re filled with great treasures.
- How can we celebrate our children’s gifts?
- In which ways can we focus on kids’ treasures more in our ministry?
- How can you celebrate those gifts in your role?
Close in prayer, thanking God for each child in your ministry.
Looking for even more Christmas ideas for your ministry? Then check out all of our Christmas posts. And for even more ideas and daily posts of inspiration, follow us on Facebook!
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