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5 Ways to Bring Music Into Your Children’s Ministry

How important is music to your ministry? And I’m not talking exclusively about worship music, although that plays a huge role. Do you incorporate songs throughout your time with your ministry’s children?

When looking at Dr. Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, you’ll see that by integrating music into your lessons, along with other styles of learning, you can really make a deep connection with kids.

And in the Bible, we see the importance of music. In Matthew 26:30 we see how Jesus and his disciples sang hymns.

Let us encourage you to integrate music into your ministry. Here are some quick and simple tips to help you hit all the right notes:

1. Use music to set a mood.

From a high-energy welcome song to a soft, instrumental piece, give your ministry a soundtrack. Kids are extremely sensitive to music. The right background music can help pump kids up or calm them down.

2. Play musical instruments.

Music isn’t all about singing. Kids love making music, even if it’s just keeping the beat with a homemade maraca.

3. Learn Bible verses with raps, chants, or cheers.

In one poll, we asked if children’s ministries should require scripture memory. At the time of this writing, 77 percent said “yes.” Setting Bible verses to song or giving verses a rhythm can help kids remember them better. And remember to help your kids really understand what the verse means along with knowing the words.

4. Let kids write songs.

Let older kids make a remix. Tell them to come up with a song using a tune they already know with new words. For example, write a short song about how God wants us to treat others using the tune from “Old MacDonald.”

5. Learn Bible truths through songs.

Plan your lesson and find a song that fits the theme. Or, make a remix yourself and tell what happened to Jonah in a song or rhyme.

For tips on using music legally in your church, check out 7 Things Musicians Wish You Knew About YouTube. Looking for more posts on worship? Try these articles! And for even more ideas and daily posts of inspiration, follow us on Facebook!

One thought on “5 Ways to Bring Music Into Your Children’s Ministry

  1. Music lights up one's whole brain. Music sticks with you for a lifetime. It's one of the most powerful tools in your ministry toolbox.

    Starting a Choir Tips:
    1) Poll families first. You are looking for a buy-in resulting in at least 12 children. Poll them also about when to meet so that you have 12 children at that time, on that day!
    2) If you have a 'church musician' align your initiatives with that person (get staff support and buy-in). Check calendars. Find spots where your group is welcome to lead in worship.
    3) Develop a 3-year plan (so that there is less likelihood of kids dropping out after the first season). Invite key parents to be part of that brainstorming leading to the plan. Figure out what a rehearsal will be like, what music you will tackle, develop realistic goals. Add some celebrations into the planning (maybe at the end of the year you take the group on an outing).
    4) Find yourself a local mentor (someone leading a children's choir) and build that relationship.

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