The 7 Categorical Miracles of Jesus
These 7 miracles of Jesus reveal who our Savior is. Jesus’ miracles raised people from the dead, fed thousands, controlled nature, cast out evil spirits, and healed the infirmed. Even Jesus’ birth was a miracle. More than 30 of Jesus’ miracles are recorded in the Bible. Here’s a categorical list of many of the miracles of Jesus.

1. Jesus fed thousands of people.
- Jesus cast an evil spirit out of a man who shouted at him as he taught. (Mark 1:23-28)
- Jesus cast out demons from two men who were so violent that no one could pass through the area where they were. (Matthew 8:28-33)
- Jesus cast out a demon from a mute man, and the man was able to speak again. (Matthew 9:32-33)
- Jesus healed a demon-possessed girl whose mother had great faith. (Matthew 15:21-28)
- Jesus cast out a demon from a boy with seizures after his dad asked him to heal him. (Matthew 17:14-21)
3. Jesus healed the blind, deaf, sick, injured, and infirmed.
- At a wedding where the wedding party ran out of wine, Jesus changed water into a good-tasting wine (John 2:1-11)
5. Jesus controlled the water and other elements of nature.
- After Simon and his crew has fished all night and caught nothing, Jesus told them to cast their net again and they caught so many fish it almost sunk their boats (Luke 5:1-11)
- After Jesus rose from the dead, Jesus caused the disciples to catch 153 fish after they’d fished all night and caught nothing. (John 21: 1-11)
7. Jesus raised people from the dead, including himself.
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