3 Tips for Working With Children’s Negative Attitudes
First, minimize the impact of negative attitudes and then create a positive atmosphere for children with these tips.
A child with a negative attitude often seeks love and craves attention. The attitude itself, though, can disrupt your classroom, hinder learning, and put an uncomfortable cloud over your entire class. Minimize classroom negativity and create a positive atmosphere with these practical tips.
3 Tips for Working With Children’s Negative Attitudes
1. Love
Show the child God’s love through every word and action. Don’t exclude a child because of her poor attitude. Set firm boundaries and let her know that you expect positive behavior. Praise her for her efforts to overcome her negative attitude. Pray with her to show her that you and God love her very much.
2. Eliminate Children’s Negative Attitudes
Don’t allow negativity to breed negativity. Immediately stop any negative comments and put-downs before things escalate. Eliminate “downtime” by keeping the negative child busy. Have him help you before, during, and after class. Praise him for his efforts, such as sharpening pencils, completing the lesson project, or listening carefully.
3. Listen
Correct the negative attitude away from the other children. Give her your undivided attention. Let her know that you understand, care, and want to help. Most of all, let her know that God loves her unconditionally.
Mary Davis
Montrose, Iowa
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