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Two preteen girls linked arm in arm running around the classroom during a preteen Bible activity.
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3 Preteen Bible Activities Designed to Deepen Kids’ Relationship with God

Looking for a way to deepen kids’ relationship with God? Try these three preteen Bible activities. 

Preteen Bible Activity 1. Transformation Relay

Use this game to explain that God can transform us.

Establish a starting line opposite a wall. Have kids form lines of four or six at the starting line.

Explain that kids will have a relay race to think about when Jacob was about to see his brother, whom he’d betrayed. Say: First, Jacob prayed. Have the first person in each line race to the opposite wall and back with folded hands and one eye closed. Have the second team member race in the same way when the first returns. Continue until all the kids have completed the race.

Read aloud Genesis 32:22-25. Have kids relay race in pairs with elbows locked.

Read Genesis 32:26-28. Say: Jacob was transformed by his time with God. Have kids “transform” and crab walk this race.

Read Genesis 32:29-32. Have kids race with a limp.


  • When have you struggled with God?
  • How can spending time with God transform you?

Shawn Vander Lugt 
Johnstown, Colorado

Preteen Bible Activity 2. Worship in Heaven

Use this activity to help kids respond to God in worship.

Either draw or find images of the following: football, cooked turkey, Christmas tree, newborn baby, Mickey Mouse ears.

Place the images facedown. Say: Let’s look at some really familiar images and take turns thinking of the first thing that comes to our minds when we see them. Show one image, having kids keep their responses to themselves until everyone has had a chance to clarify the first thing that came to their minds. Then let kids share. Do this for each image, and point out whether their reactions were similar.

Say: The Bible says we’ll have similar reactions when we see God on his throne. Read aloud Revelation 7:9-11.


  • What do you think of how people react to God?
  • How do you react to God?
  • What ways can you worship God even now, before you see God on his throne?

Jonathan Cliff 
Clarksville, Tennessee

Preteen Bible Activity 3. Jesus’ Family Tree

Use this activity to explore Jesus’ family tree.

A preteen girl writing "Jesus" on an orange piece of paper.You’ll need:

  • Bibles;
  • gray, brown, and green bulletin board paper;
  • construction paper;
  • scissors;
  • fine-tipped markers; and
  • clear tape.

Children placing Jesus' descendants on a tree.Beforehand, hang the gray paper. Shape the brown paper into a tree trunk, roots and branches; then attach leaf-shaped green paper to the branches. Cut the construction paper into approximately 4×6-inch ovals.

Have kids write five to 10 of Jesus’ ancestors’ names from Matthew 1:2-16 on the ovals.

Children placing their names on a tree.Write “Jesus” on one of the ovals, tape it to the tree, and show kids how to tape the names in order from the bottom up.

Invite kids to tape their own names above Jesus’ name if they want to be part of God’s family.


  • Why do you think the people who came before Jesus are important?

Read aloud Galatians 4:4-6. Ask:

  • What’s so great about being part of God’s family?

Kayle Kimmtt
Westminster, Colorado

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3 Preteen Bible Activities Designed t...

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