5 Family God Sightings: Noticing God at Work in Families Today
When we look at families today, many of the general challenges and stressors are fairly easy to identify. But when was the last time you paused to notice the good ways God is at work in the lives of children and families at your church? Read on to discover five family God Sightings from Vanessa Myers, a children’s minister in Georgia. Her insight just might open your eyes to see more evidence of God at work in your church and community, too!
I’m constantly amazed by how God is at work every single moment in our lives. As a children’s minister, I’m blessed to work with families. I love hearing stories from parents and kids about how God’s working in their family. Here are five ways I see God working in the lives of kids and their families at my church today.
Family God Sighting #1: Joy in Simple Things
I’ve noticed that God works through my simple efforts as a children’s minister. Those simple things happen every day in conversations, in creation, even in something simple like Easter eggs. Let me explain.
Every year I “egg” the homes of all the families in my church. I surprise families by hiding plastic Easter eggs around their home, including an empty one to represent the empty tomb! The kids come home from school to find their house has been egged! It’s become a favorite Easter tradition at our church. Every year, I’m amazed at how God works through something as simple as Easter eggs.
I’ve heard stories of how Easter eggs brought joy on a day when a parent had been in a bad car accident, or on a day when a family received some really hard news. God showed up for a mom who had been sick for a while and prayed for a sign to show her God saw her and cared. That sign came in those Easter eggs—wow, God!
God also brings joy to families through the simple things you do to bless them at your church throughout the year. What simple ways might God work through you today?
Family God Sighting #2: One-on-One Moments Between Parents and Kids
I love noticing sweet one-on-one moments between parents and their kids. Times when parents focus on their child and simply enjoy being together. It’s fun to see parents and kids out and about together, perhaps at a favorite restaurant, or even just running errands.
As a parent, I especially see God Sightings during my kids’ individual bedtimes. We would read the Bible and pray—just the two of us. Sometimes my kids would share things to pray for, other times they sat quietly as I read and prayed. I saw God at work during that special one-on-one time, and I suspect other parents do, too.
I know another parent who sees God in his nightly prayers with his daughter. He chose to use that time to teach his 4-year-old the Lord’s Prayer. And now she can recite that prayer by heart. This father sees God working in her life every time they pray that prayer together.
Where do you see sweet moments between parents and their children? Take the time to notice and appreciate the way God shows his love through parent and child relationships in your church and community.
Family God Sighting #3: A Child’s Faith Helping a Parent’s Faith Grow
We see God at work, and sometimes we hear from God, too! Lately, I’ve been hearing God say, “The children will lead us.” And I firmly believe this. Over the course of my years in ministry, I’ve seen children help their parents draw closer to the Lord, or even bring their parents into a friendship with Jesus.
I’ve seen children go home from church and teach their parents something they learned about the Bible. And I’ve noticed parents start reading the Bible because their child wants to read it, too. I have seen Jesus change parents’ lives because their child initiated coming to church. Once, I even caught a glimpse of God working through a teenager to lead her dad to Jesus through her actions of faith.
So keep an eye out for how God is working through children at your church to reach their parents. God is at work through children and I know that God will continue that work to help grow the faith in the lives of parents.
Family God Sighting #4: Powerful Witnesses for Jesus
When it comes to sharing about Jesus, I notice that kids are some of the boldest and most confident witnesses. I’ve seen kids easily talk about their faith in Jesus and tell others about him.
For example, I recently learned from a parent that she was amazed to see her 12-year-old talk about his faith to a friend as they carpool to school together. Even when this friend didn’t seem interested, her son would somehow mention Jesus in their conversations most days. She loved how bold and confident he was in sharing his faith with a close friend who didn’t believe in Jesus.
I also know another young boy with a huge heart for telling others about Jesus, even to the point of making his own Valentine’s Day cards for his classmates that let them know that Jesus loves them! These boys are powerful, bold, and confident witnesses to others about Jesus, and I pray I will be like them every day!
Do you notice kids in your church boldly talking about Jesus? Be on the lookout for ways Jesus is introducing himself through kids!
Family God Sighting #5. A Parent’s Example
As I watch parents at my church, I’m reminded that parenting is hard! These parents want nothing more than to raise their children to be followers of Christ. I’m inspired as I see parents faithfully attending church, reading the Bible with their kids, and praying with and for them. I’ve noticed that nothing speaks louder to kids than seeing their parents live out their faith. As James 1:22 says, we must not just listen to the Word, we must do it!
As I look around at my church, I regularly see parents who live out their faith and are Christ-like examples to their children. And because of that, I witness kids following their grown-up examples.
I also like to look back at memories of my own mother and grandmother who not only taught me about Jesus but also showed me what being a Christ-follower looked like. I learned by their example and I pray that I am that kind of example to my own children.
So tell parents that they’re God Sightings! Be on the look out for ways to affirm and bless parents as they faithfully guide their children.
Notice God at Work in Families Today
It’s true! God is busy working in the lives of families today. All we have to do is look around us to notice God at work.
Vanessa Myers is a children’s minister, author, and founder of Family Faith Builders. Her desire is to help families build faith that lasts for generations. She creates simple, biblical resources for families to use at home to help them read, know, and live God’s Word. You can check out her resources at: www.familyfaithbuilders.org
Want to help families spot God at work while on vacation this summer? Check out “Road Trip God Sightings for Families at Your Church.” For another fun family resource, you can also check out Notes From Jesus for Families: What Jesus Wants Your Family to Know. Families will explore Jesus’ love for kids and adults alike.
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