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A nursery-aged girl is crawling on the ground during her finger food prayers.
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Nursery Take-Home Prayer Activity: Finger Food Prayers

Teaching children to pray at a young age is important to their faith development. Here are 3 simple finger food prayers that you can send home to help empower parents to pray with their child.

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” Help parents do just that by attaching the corresponding prayers for toddlers to bags of snacks that families can take home.

Take-Home Prayer #1: O-Shaped Cereal

Pray: O God, you show your love for us in so many ways. Your love circles us, and it never ends. Your love nourishes us each day. Amen.

Take-Home Prayer #2: Fish Crackers

Pray: Jesus, you tell us to be fishers of people. Help everyone in our family spread your good news to others. Amen.

Take-Home Prayer #3: Animal Cookies

Pray: God, you made so many wild and wondrous animals. Help us appreciate those animals and care for everything in your creation. Amen.

The Impact of Finger Food Prayers

Finger food prayers teach young kids that praying can be fun and something that we do throughout our entire day. It sets a foundation of prayer at a very young age. Plus, it’s a simple way for parents to pray with their children. Even parents who aren’t sure how to incorporate their faith in raising their child will be able to lead their child in these prayers.


Dawn Rundman
Minneapolis, Minnesota

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Nursery Take-Home Prayer Activity: Fi...

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